digital nation - life on the virtual frontier

Relationships How technology is changing friendship, parenting and love.


Rough Cut

Going Digital at 83

Bubbe has become an Internet enthusiast at the young age of 83, after starting a popular online cooking show with her grandson, Avrom.
Virginia Heffernan questions whether virtual relationships today are that different from t...
Bubbe and Big Bird
Kids and parents have different ideas of what's "private" these days. danah boyd, a resea...
Famous for 15 Minutes
Unknown to her parents, Jessica developed an online persona as a sexy goth model.
The Secret Online Life of Autumn Edows

Bubbe and Big Bird

Virginia Heffernan questions whether virtual relationships today are that different from the formative relationships we used to have with television characters or movie stars.

Rough Cut

Sara's Secret

Sara finds unhealthy support for her eating disorder online.

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Getting Help

After her interview with us, Sara told her parents about her eating disorder.

Interview Highlights

There Goes Running For Office...

What kids post online today could come back to haunt them. C.J. Pascoe, PhD., a sociology professor at Colorado College, explains why they do it anyway.

Interview Highlights

Internet Famous

danah boyd, a researcher and essayist on teen media culture explains that for many kids, the Internet represents an escape from mundane life -- if they can manage to become famous online.

Interview Highlights

Famous for 15 Minutes

Kids and parents have different ideas of what's "private" these days. danah boyd, a researcher and essayist on teen media culture, illuminates what kids are thinking.

Interview Highlights

The End of Privacy

Teenagers' bedrooms have become command centers, with everything just a click away. Mark Bauerlein is a professor at Emory University and the author of The Dumbest Generation.

Rough Cut

The Secret Online Life of Autumn Edows

Unknown to her parents, Jessica developed an online persona as a sexy goth model.

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When Jessica's parents found out that she was posting risque photos of herself online, they took some drastic steps.

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The Internet Saved Her Life

Today, Jessica's parents support her online modeling.

Rough Cut

Living Their Lives Online

Kids are posting all kinds of things online: from nude photos to fight videos.


posted February 2, 2010