digital nation - life on the virtual frontier

Living with Technology

Multitasking at M.I.T.

Multitasking at M.I.T.

At the Massachussetts Institute of Technology, one of the most high powered universities in the world, students claim they can and must multitask through all parts of their lives -- on their laptops doing work,... Read more ...

Plea for a Digital Love Story

Plea for a Digital Love Story

We're desperately seeking a great story about love in the digital age, and we need your help. We all know the stories about people who have met online, rekindled old flames through Facebook, and... Read more ...

New video: Going Digital at 83

New video: Going Digital at 83

"I became everyone's Grandmother all over the world!" So spoke the indefatigable Bubbe, an 83-year-old Jewish grandmother in Massachusetts who made a video with her grandson, Avrom, and submitted it to our site. Bubbe and... Read more ...

A Certified Multitasking Master

A Certified Multitasking Master

Gloria Mark, a professor in the Informatics Department at the University of California at Irvine, studies the impact of technology on the way we live and work. She's especially interested in the way we multitask,... Read more ...

A worthwhile wait

A worthwhile wait

Let me just start by saying I'm a Macophile. And an early adopter: I bought the first generation iPhone the first day it came out. A couple of weeks ago, like thousands of other Apple... Read more ...



I'm going to let you in a real behind-the-scenes secret, and it's not a glamorous one. At our office in Brooklyn, NY, where the Digital Nation team toils away to bring you steady dispatches... Read more ...

Forum on Our Digital Future

The discussion covered a range of issues raised in our FRONTLINE/World special about South Korea: The Most Wired Place on Earth, including Internet addiction and the rise of Korea's wired culture, as well as what... Read more ...


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Digital Natives


Living with Technology




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posted February 2, 2010