digital nation - life on the virtual frontier


Multitasking at M.I.T.

Multitasking at M.I.T.

At the Massachussetts Institute of Technology, one of the most high powered universities in the world, students claim they can and must multitask through all parts of their lives -- on their laptops doing work,... Read more ...

A chat with Obama's new Secretary of Education

A chat with Obama's new Secretary of Education

Yesterday morning I flew to DC to interview Obama's new Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan. Since there's still no confirmed Deputy Secretary of Education, we chatted in the Deputy's empty office next door to Duncan's... Read more ...

Digital Stories, Opinions, Quesions: LIVE From NECC

Digital Stories, Opinions, Quesions: LIVE From NECC

Hi Digital Natives, residents & visitors, We're live at the NECC Conference today, and want to hear from you. We had an amazing day yesterday, meeting interesting educators and hearing a huge range of stories... Read more ...

Education Technology Forum Transcript

FRONTLINE's Digital Nation hosted a live online discussion Wednesday, June 24, at 11 am EDT on the topic of education in the digital age. A panel of experts answered questions and discussed how technology is... Read more ...

My own laptops-in-the-schools dilemma

My own laptops-in-the-schools dilemma

Today, we posted a rough cut of a video we shot at IS 339, a middle school in the Bronx that has reinvented itself in part through a one-to-one laptop program. While we were filming... Read more ...

On watching, and being watched

On watching, and being watched

A few days ago, we filmed at IS 339, a middle school in the Bronx that until recently had been chronically underperforming. The current principal, Jason Levy, brought in a 1:1 laptop program and is... Read more ...


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posted February 2, 2010