Memory of the Camps
Join the Discussion: What are your thoughts after viewing Memory of the Camps, this 60- year old film that documents the liberation of the  Nazi death camps in the spring of 1945?


My father is a holocaust survivor. He was liberated from Auschwitz April 29 1945. He survived because he was (and still is) a Barber. He is 90 years old and has the tattooed # 143187. I still watched this documentary in disbelief. The horror of mankind is sometimes to much to bear. This and other films need to be shown to many generations to come. NEVER AGAIN!

Joel Klasky
Cave Creek, Arizona


Absolutely necessary to be seen!

Broadcast it periodically without censoring.

daniel mark
studio City , cA


Had to close my eyes when I first saw some of the scenes but could not keep them closed. It is hard to imagine that humans allowed this to happen.

mike skrypczak
erie, pa.


I have been to the holocaust museum and have read so much on this atrocity... is something I feel I ALWAYS need to stop and take notice on. We must never allow those who died to be forgotten. Its tough to understand how this could have happened. Its simply the work of pure evil. No person with any worth or value to this earth could have done these things to the innocents.

In writing this I can only imagine what it was like for the people who filmed this. What must they have had to overcome in order to let the world know? Simply courageous.

Thank you

Catherine Potts
Denver, CO


Thank you for showing this film. My father fought in WWII and as a child I know that I asked him some questions that must have been painful for him to answer. Please do not allow this footage to be locked away again. The world needs to remember and those that deny this atrocity ever happened should view it....

Marybeth Riebe


How is it possible that there are those who deny that this happened? And perhaps more importantly how is it possible that we continue to allow similar atrocities to occur and lift not a finger to stop them?

June Stewart
Pittsfield, MA


I watched MEMORY OF THE CAMPS when it was first broadcast 20 years ago and I watched it again tonight.

It is as haunting as I remembered it.

Thank you PBS for re-broadcasting it. We must never forget.

Paul Ehrismann

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posted may 3, 2005

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