Bush's War

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What reactions do you have to this retrospective on the war in Iraq? Are there lessons in it for us and for the next U.S. president?


I loved the program. Although this is not a forum format, but rather a letter to the staff I simply do not understand the statements made by the supporters of the Administration. To label a program as leftist and to instruct the network to stick to aging musicians simply because facts have been put forward that is simply difficult to hear is scary. Where is it said that the tradition in this country is to "shut up" when scrutinizing American policy?

I also want to really see where some of the rather hostile commentators are getting their information. They accuse the program of being slanted and the rest, but I don't see them quoting any supporting evidence. What was slanted and not correct? Surely they are not suggesting that Iraq had WMDs? I mean if those on the right are firm in their view that everything the country was told was correct, please produce the evidence of WMDs. I don't really think there is any, because if there were it would have been produced proudly by the Administration as a validation of their position; possibly even put on display on the evening news then sent on a world tour.

I don't see how anyone, even those on the far far right, can sit in earnest and convince themselves that everything told to them by the Administration is the whole truth and nothing but.

I simply don't understand the willingness to continually call for silence so we can get on with our fat and happy lives and not be bothered by troubling topics all at the expense of the country's integrity and the intregrity of its institutions.

Bradley, NJ


Part I: EPIC Journalism, with a capital "J". Well done, can't wait to see part II.

Jason Springer
Boise, Idaho


I've known all along that the war in Iraq was an illegal action taken by a corrupt administration for their personal/financial gain. What I don't understand is why all of us didn't see it. Why didn't one of the thousands of politicians or lawmakers in this country do something to stop it?

What a mess it has made of our economy while Big Oil (Dick Cheney and George Bush included) get filthy rich. How many people are responsible for the loss of life of 4,000 soldiers, some barely out of their teens, and the loss of life, livlihood and home of millions of innocent Iraqi citizens? If we want to do the right thing, we'll impeach both president and vice president and take all who are responsible to trial for crimes against humanity.

To those who say this is America's war, you are wrong. I am all American and will never be in favor of our occupation of Iraq.

Colorado Springs, CO


Despite the criticism, your work speaks for itself and offers the world an archive of the truth. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for this production. And so will my children.

Dallas, Texas


Thank you to Frontline and PBS for having the courage and integrity to produce and air this vitally important documentary!

Our media has repeatedly failed in it's duty to dig for the truth when our politicians have used the airwaves to manipulate the American public into supporting this poorly planned and ill conceived war. Thank heaven's there are some members of the journalistic community that dare to speak the truth. Those who condemn you for bias fail to notice that this documentary is mostly made up of those who took part telling their recollections of the events.

People like Rumsfeld and Cheney speak volumes by their refusal to be interviewed for these programs. This war has done unbelievable damage to our military, to our standing in the world , and to our economy and still no end in sight and no functioning democracy in Iraq.

Robert Duncan
Midway, Utah


I'll bet you're going to get a lot more nasty emails about the "bias" in this program and your network as a whole. There are a lot of people who still won't accept that the American people and Congress were deceived and our military victimized.

I wager this program will once again illuminate the polarization which has always lurked in the shadows of our nation, and may even harden opinion on every side. But it's a light that has to be shone. Congratulations on a fantastic job.

Roger Piwowarski
Green Mountain Falls, CO


Although it is incontrovertible that many mistakes were made in the build-up and then execution of the war in Iraq, your series "Bush's War" is FAR from an objective documenting of facts. It's more akin to the typical distorted hit-job that is all too prevalent in today's media. Missing as key bullet-points in your program and video timeline are the following:

-First attack on the World Trade Center-Continued attack on US interest by Muslim fundamentalists from Kobar to USS Cole.-Failure of Sadam's Iraq to fulfill the terms of surrender from the first Gulf War.-The Clinton Administration's actions and the US' policy of regime change for Iraq in the late `90's.-Failure to pay due focus to the number of UN Resolutions that were not fulfilled by Iraq.-The justification that diplomacy was working was due to the Oil for Food Program.-Proper focus on the fact that the UN Oil for Food Program was corrupted and a failure. Many people have been found guilty of crimes relating to this scandal...and it lead to major overhauls within the UN.-The fact that interests (business and political) close to the governments of our "allies" such as Russia, France and Germany were ignoring sanctions against Iraq and entering into illegal agreements with the Iraqi government.-The fact that governments from around the world were saying in the late `90's early 2000's that Sadam had WMD's.-The fact that President Clinton and members of his administration were making speeches on behalf of "Bush's War" because much of the intelligence (failures and all) were carried over from that administration.-The fact that many see this as more than "16 words." They see it as chance to remove a dangerous tyrant and replace him with democratic rule that will allow for reconciliation, free speech, freedom of religion, rights for women and minorities...the same things that all of the war protesters in the US enjoy...but behind the "iron curtain" of fundamentalist Islam.

Overall, a shabby, partisan, and predictable rewrite of history...certainly not worthy of previous Frontline productions.Shame!

Scott R
Chicago, IL


Were mistakes made? Yes, as in all human endeavors.

I do find the title misleading and the sources overly personal in their interpretation of events: How much "pressure" was brought to bear on "honorable" men. It all comes down to whether one believes that the men who saw the prevailing circumstances in Iraq as an intolerable risk acted in good conscience, and condidered their decisions to be in the best interest of our country, FOR THE LONG TERM. I, for one, do.

bergenfield, nj


So much power in so few....The trajedy of 4000 American troops; thousands upon thousands of innocent Iraqi citizens live's lost. Three-hundred million Americans led to war by a few arrogant, egotistical powerful elite. Thank you PBS for telling this powerful story that so many 'powerless' Americans know for the truth.

Sam Gutierrez
Loveland, CO


Our expenditure of our credibility, tax dollars, and lives in foreign affairs has been dismal at best, particularly in the Middle East--going back several administrations. We (through Kissinger) convinced the Shah of the value of an OPEC cartel to get funds to fight the communists. We spent millions supporting the Taliban while they were fighting Russia. We sent millions to Saddam when he was fighting Iran. We SOLD Iran weapons to get under-the-table money to support people in Central America conflicts. And we've spent trillions fighting our old allies (Saddam and the Taliban) in the name of a supposed war on terrorism.

I predict the next move will be a similar squabble with Iran. When do we quit? When we have NO allies, we have NO credibility, the dollar has NO value, we have NO young people willing to go to war . . . when will it end? Or will it ever end? Self-serving politicians of both parties will continue to distroy everything that's good about the country, and will continue to gamble away the futures of our children and grandchildren. Meanwhile, any terrorist who wants to can come here (across the southern border) and do whatever they want to do. We don't care . . . we're too busy on the other side of the planet. American public: the joke's on you!

Joe Taylor
Sandy, Utah


Frontline's presentation of Bush's War is essential viewing for every American citizen to understand how a Democracy can malfunction and run amok among the nations of the world community.

Only the criminal prosecution of President George W. Bush and Vice-President Richard Cheney for war crimes against humanity. This will be a good 'first step' in the restoration of American honor.

The second step will be to restore Habea Corpus , The Constitution and The Bill of Rights to all Americans.

God Bless America , Frontline and PBS

Richard Bohn
Spokane, WA


Exceptional piece of journalistic work, in-depth, well researched and informative to the ugly core, that is the tragedy of the Iraq War and the blatant deception and lies that got us into it.. I couldn't help but think to myself a few times throughout the program that programs like this one are why I am proud to contribute to PBS. Thank goodness for PBS, if only the rest of the media (CNN, ABC, NBC, Fox etc.) could care about and appreciate the value of SUBSTANCE in what they cover and getting to the truth of the things that matter so much.

Aaron Orlowski
Salt Lake City, UT


Thank you for devoting the time, energy and passion into this project.

It's interesting to know that we weren't the only ones with our heads spinning, that many in our own government had the same suspicions, yet the speed with which this attack was planned left little time to effectively stem the tide for war. I applaud the nuances that can now be brought to light on the inner working of our government, the egos, the determination and the misguided notions.

One one level it pains me to know that given time to take a breath, we may not have had to sacrificed so many lives, American, Iraqi, British, etc. On another level I applaud you for this undertaking. We as a nation need to understand the why's and how's of this legacy in Iraq. We need to question, and we need to feel free to question, positions and policies that will affect us for generations to come so that the mistakes of the Iraq war are not made again.

Peter Charbonneau
Boston, Massachusetts


PBS is not available where I am, and downloading the video is incredibly slow to impossible with my ISP. However, I am very impressed by Frontline's extensive text documentation, especially the programme summaries and interview transcripts, which I can easily download.

Thanks for this very good update (Bush's War) on Frontline's Iraq series, with it's inclusion of previous Frontline Iraq series interviews. It is extremely useful information for anyone trying to objectively understand the current Iraq situation.

Port Harcourt, Nigeria


In spite of my naivety, it is difficult to believe numerous officials who knew of the facts and fabrications of Iraq's involvement in 9-11 and nuclear weapons did not stand up to their beliefs and oppose the war on Iraq furthur. I practically feel sick to by stomach(literally) to hear numerous CIA and military officials who denied the accusations produced by the Vice President and were unable `get the truth out' to the public and media. I have long believed our government to no longer be a democracy as it is so evident now.

Our government is run by a few men who decide what they want Americans to beleive and will go to lengths driven by power and ego to keep the delusion going. Consider the families of our American troops and fallen soldiers living with the fact of giving their lives for a war based in lies. Cheney and Runsfeld can be compared to war crime criminals as the death of many innocent people are a direct consequence of their lies and coercions and should be held accountable. I fell ashamed of America.

Sharon Cary
Oklahoma City, OK


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posted march 24, 2008

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