Bush's War

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What reactions do you have to this retrospective on the war in Iraq? Are there lessons in it for us and for the next U.S. president?


Sadly, Frontline's Bush's War so far has been disappointing. It leans more to Fox's presentations. It is not an informative program as most of Frontline's productions have been.It glosses over the warnings of the international community and intelligent sources who predicted the turmoil that would happen with the invasion.

It skews and confuses the public who have not had (or have not taken the time to obtain) access to the truth, and certainly there have been many books written about this subject. In a lesser way,perhaps Frontline is doing the same thing Cheney et al did to make their case for war.

It is indeed tragic when those governing this country deceive and misuse their power. And equally tragic when the media feels they must excuse them for this.

Beverly Sweeton
Lebanon, TN


I've just viewed the first part of Bush's War. What an incredible production. The depth of research, richness of documentaion and the breadth of interviews (across all sides of multiple divides). The quality of writing and visual editing was outstanding. It was an clearly an ambitious undertaking - to try and explain such a complex set of events through television medium. But you have clearly set a new benchmark in broadcasting history.Thank you.

Carrollton, TX


It becomes more than clear, with the strategic placement of a few men, with that kind of power, is beyond disturbing.

As for future presidency lessons? Market & plan your war more efficiently. The only lesson I've learned: Of all the US invasions of other countries, not one has yet to be justified.

Tara Yamamoto
Carnelian Bay, CA


Excellent reporting and interviews.

I was amazed at the caliber and diversity of the people interviewed. I am also even more convinced that our Balance of Powers has been breached.

Agelia Durand
Houston, Texas


This program confirms my decision twenty years ago to stop supporting PBS. The title, itself, is dishonest. The war in response to the war declared variously by OBL in 1997 and Iran in 1979 and others has always been America's war. To demonstrate this you should review the quotes by W Clinton, H Clinton, M Albright and others for the decade preceding the war in Iran.

To attack the '16 words' after they have been found to be accurate, and to use Joe Wilson after he has been found to be a serial liar by the Senate Intelligence Committee demonstrates the shallowness of your attack.

james donald
shaker hts, ohio


Thanks to Frontline for your work on this program. It is revelatory. However, the apologizing for Powell's speech before the UN does not wash. When resignation was suggested, he declined, offering that he could not "leave the field" to DoD and Cheney. How thankful we all can be that William Ruckelshaus and Elliot Richardson chose differently. Powell chose to carry water for Bush, and that is the mystery. Initially, the story was that he was being a "good soldier," despite his misgivings and knowing better. State had their own intelligence. He knew, and they knew people who knew. Now the story is that he was deceived or misled. Why, then, any talk of resigning? Karen Deyoung's apology cannot remove the stench of Powell's duplicity.

Bayfield, Wisconsin


As a Combat Veteran of the Vietnam War, where I was awarded 2 Purple Hearts, It pains me to my core, to see this conflict as it enters its 5th year, with no end in sight, continue. I cannot imagine how this President can get up every morning, look himself in the mirror, and not realize what a disaster he and his administration have wrought. From the decision that allowed Bin Laden to escape at Tora Bora to the present, this Administration and its top officials have let the American people down and shown the world how not to conduct a war, both politically and militarily.

Vic Hernandez
Reno, Nv


I believe our nation was justified in our role was to push back Iraq from invading Kuwait in the Persian Gulf War in 1991 and we were justified to go to Afghanistan to defeat the Taliban and Al Qaida as a response to their cowardly acts on 9/11/01.We must continue to engage and defeat terrorists intent on harming America.However, the invasion of Iraq in 2003 was based on blatant fabrication of information and remains an unjust and illegal war that I believe will be viewed as one of the greatest blunders in our history.

Allentown, PA


This is a dramatic description of the collision of pride, arrogance and irony.

Mr. Chaney didn't trust the CIA because of the "mistakes" concerning the fall of the Soviet Union and Iraqi's nuclear weapons programs from 1991. Yet the CIA's conservative assessments had miniscule impact as compared to the Neo-cons' miss-readings, miss-understandings, misinterpretations and outright delusions that have lead to the mid-east chaos that exists today.

Julius Hayden
Covington, Georgia


I found the episode I just finished watching both sad and frightening. How could it have happened that so many errors in judgment were made, time after time, that resulted in the eventual tragedy. Is the world safer now as a result of the actions of Bush, Rumsfeld and Cheney... probably not. I admire the United States a great deal for so many reasons, but Americans cannot be proud of these events in her history. Nor can Americans be proud of events that are continuing to take place in Guantanamo. I sincerely hope that the next President of the United States has the courage to do what is right and necessary to undo the mistakes of the current administration.

Victoria, BC, Canada


I found your documentary "Bush's War" while channel surfing this evening. As I watched it, it occurred to me that I've never seen such a slanted, blatantly biased program where opinion substitutes for fact, and disgruntled former members of the administration are called upon to support the lies. (Which they gladly do, of course). Your network has always been a bastion of leftist opinion, with little regard to fact. "Bush's War"?..We, as in America, are in this war. Thanks to PBS and the mainstream media, America has been turned against itself and its best interest. We were right to go to war against Iraq, and we're absolutely correct to stay the course. You folks need to concentrate on showcasing geriatric musicians, and present your opinions as just that...Not facts. "Bush's War" indeed!

Dan Shirley
Seymour, Indiana


Bravo! Thank you for funding, researching and broadcasting this exceptional documentary account of Bush's War. Please, let's only hope that our grandchildren see this film in future U.S. history classes and learn how not to conduct foreign affairs in their generation.

Kenilworth, IL


I am ashamed that we as Americans let this happen. Are we all lemmings?

Rockford, IL


What is particularly disturbing about the Iraq War is the role that egos played. Despite the glaringly obvious evidence against Iraq's role in the terrorist attackes, Cheney and Rumsfield pursued 9/11 "retaliation" against Saddam. I am shocked that such seemingly brilliant men have such a distorted view of constitutional law.

Cori Shepherd
Baltimore, MD

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posted march 24, 2008

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