Bad Voodoo's War

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Although I have only viewed a portion of the program,I found it riveting.I could not turn away.My daughter had just married a soilder that had returned from Iraq and I found the views that he shared with the members of Bad Voodoo to be one and the same.

I have heard his war stories but until I acutally saw the video I couldnt understand what he and others have went thru. How freightening and sad that they have to experience this.But it explains a lot about his actions upon returning home.God Bless you all

mike kunz
cincinnati, oh


I really feel for these guys and hope they can all come back home safe. In my opinion, the soldiers are the saddest aspect of this whole non-sense war. These guys are true heroes. They are there risking their lives out of true patriotism. They don't question it. They simply obey their orders. And they do so because they trust their country will only put them in harms way for a good cause.

That is what makes me really sick about this war. Have we let them down? Why did we put them in risk? I really have the impression that we as a country are being taken for a ride just to make a few people a little richer. These soldiers deserve better. Yes, we can blame the politicians but we have elected them and we have allowed them to follow this course of action. I feel that we as a country have let these soldiers down.

Ian Pulansky
Chicago, IL


We have been kept in the dark for five years and this amazing documentary has given us an idea of what you are all going through so far away from home. You are all so impressive, intelligent, courageous and above all ... admirable. We were truly humbled and sorry to see the documentary end, we wanted to follow more of your experiences and so glad that we can follow you on-line. Thank you for your sacrifices every day and every minute. You make us proud! Voodoo you are a good father to your soldiers and your family here at home. Keep taking care of each other. Thank all of you for sharing your feelings with us. Lastly, we must all support PBS ... who else brings us the things that matter most in this life!

Nancy Karagianis
Fresh Meadows, New York


To all of the members of Bad Voodoo, I would like to express my sincere gratitude and respect for everything you are going through in Iraq. Regardless of your personal feelings about the war, you all demonstrate professionalism, loyalty and commitment rarely seen in any other area of society. I wish you all safe return, and my heart goes out to all who gave the ultimate sacrifice in duty to our country.

Scott Anderson
Omaha, NE


Having studied war through academia, I have always been able to feel the experience of the civilian who is caught in the tension and violence much better than that of the soldier. Tonight's Frontline was a great telling of a soldier's story and viewpoint. The stress of the Bad Voodoo Platoon's job was palpable through the television. Through their cameras, I found myself overwhelmed and heartsick with their daily reality. But I remain hopeful that when they return home at the end of this tour, they will be home to stay.

Annie DeVoe
Winooski, Vermont


Warriors hate War. There are many of us now "back in the world" who know this as you do. It wasn't your choice, and yet you met the call. Please know the show makes us even more proud of you, as another generation of Men who answered.

Regardless of the politics of the Cause, right or wrong, you know that your primary job is to get each other out alive. Please continue this Mission #1, know that as you wish "we will draw a circle around you" and we will pray daily for your safe return to your lives here. Thank you for your service - God Bless you Men.

Robert Bakerformer SSG 2D (S. Korea)

Robert Baker
Norfolk, Virginia


I am highly appalled and distressed to learn that we are gambling with people's lives so that we can make sure that companies such as Haliburton and KBR can make a profit from this senseless invasion? These men did not sign up to be the personal convoy security for these companies which are exploiting the cheap and available services of these fine men and women who chose to defend OUR country. It is time for these people to come home and be with their families and for our government to cease their democratization process in the middle east for the sake of oil.

Waukegan, IL


Bad Voodoo Platoon rocks! You guys put it on the line every day and I wish you all the best on the remainder of your tour. You boys have done an excellent job of documenting your adventure and I really appreciate all the efforts you have made to give us such deep insight into what life is like for a soldier in todays Iraq. Keep your eyes sharp and come home safe!

Many people are quick to say that they support their trops, but after seeing your documentry on Frontline, I came to realize that when push comes to shove, it is really the troups that suport our troups. You watch over each other day in and day out doing the best you can with what you've got.

Politicians are quick to paint the Iraqi situation in black and white, but in reality Iraq is composed of many shades of gray. I'm sure that there is no easy solution to the whole situation, but regardless I think the US administration has already asked too much of their armed forces. Infantry should not be protecting convoy's that deliver supplies to private contractors. If this is what the situation has come down to, the writing is already one the wall. If the wolf blows down your house of straw, you build a house of bricks. If he blows up your house of bricks, you might want to move on, because chances are, he doesn't want you there.

Front line thank you for putting a face on this very real war and long live the men of Bad Voodoo Platoon.

Antonio Arroyas
London, Ontario


One of the most honest films I have yet seen about the day-to-day obstacles our troops are facing. All of our men and women in uniform deserve our respect and support.

Kelly Barnes
Atlanta, GA


I have the pleasure of working for a company that makes products to help you stay safe. If it wasn't for that I would feel helpless in this endless war. We think about you everyday!!

Thank you and bless you!

Brenda S
Groveland, MA


As the wife of one of the bad voodoo members I sometimes find it difficult to understand what my husband and his platoon do, mostly because I don't see it and understandably don't want to hear about it. There is nothing pleasant hearing how your husband was inches from being blown up with an IED or a gun fight. I was very hesitant to watch the show because I knew I would see the very things that I had tried to protect myself from knowing; however, I must thank everyone invloved because it allowed me to finally see what they go through.

I know the emotional and mental toll it takes on a relationship, but it let me see a little more clearly the toll it takes on the men of bad voodoo. So again thank you to the directors and producers of the show. And thank you to the men of bad voodoo, all the cookies and candy in the world will not show our appreciation, but I promise to keep sending them.

Christina Serbellon
Vallejo, California


They say television is bad. There is no way that this production could have been bad. In fact, it has made me think about things that I had only thought were fleeting interests of doing something more. I have to say thank you for making me think more about my responsibilities to this country and the war.

new orleans, la


I really feel for these guys over-seas. It is horrible what they must encounter on a daily and nightly basis. This program has provided me with a better view of what our soldiers endure there. More and more, everyday...I begin to see what it's like ...and my heart goes out to these men. I owe everything that I have to these men because they stand up and fight for our country. I will definitely keep up with this program as it has been an "eye-opener".

James Thomas
Aiken, South Carolina


This documentary almost makes up for the "camouflage job" of Bush's War(Frontline's previous presentation). We still aren't hearing from the media the real reason we are in Iraqi---oil and who controls access to it. But at least with this documentary, we ARE hearing about some of the real costs. I hope people who complain about the high monetary price of gasoline will be more aware of who is really paying the price to fill up their tanks....The guys of Bad Voodoo Platoon

Karen Trester
Green Bay, WI


Ten minutes has passed since Bad Voodoo's War finished and I am still sitting on my couch trying to absorb what I just saw. I am so grateful that the soldiers of Bad Voodoo and Deborah Scranton have given us the gift of seeing into their hearts and minds. I am proud to have soldiers like Sfc. Nunn representing our country and humbled by their service. This program should be required viewing for every single American no matter what your view on this war. May God Bless you all.

Jennifer Balukonis
Salem, NH


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posted april 1, 2008

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