Bad Voodoo's War

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All you Joe's come back in one piece. If you are ever out this way, look me up. First 6 rounds are on me.

T Childs, CW4 USAR (RET)
West Chester, PA


More than any other program or spot on the war in Iraq that I have seen on Television; the stories from Bad Voodoo Platoon had me tense, on the edge of my chair but passionately aware of everything the men had to say. Thank you for bringing perspective to us all. As Sargent Nunn said at one point regarding the explosion of an IED placed under a bridge in a pot hole...I get it. His intelligent assessment of the warrior vs. the diplomat in him as he saluted the Iraqi soldier at the checkpoint showed that he understands the very essence of the dilema faced by him as well as our country. Shortly after viewing the program I had to pause and email a young Sargent who as a family friend is also leading his own platoon into Iraq. He, like Sargent Nunn is a good man that happens to be a soldier. To both these men and all that are in Iraq we do truly owe a debt of gratitude for doing what many of us would never do. Thank you for the program, my prayers and wishes to all of Bad Voodoo Platoon..........

Gary Lundgren
Saco, Maine


I just happened to be flipping channels and was lucky enough to catch this program from the beginning. I wish to commend the men of Bad Voodoo for their courage, honesty, and willingness to let America into their lives while valiantly serving abroad. I too am an Active Duty service member (Air Force), but more than that I am and American and brother to my fellow soldiers overseas. I cannot express my thanks to you enough for all that you do no matter how tedious, hectic, or crazy it may seem at times. Keep your heads up and know that you are missed at home and we are very appreciative of everything you do. I hope you all return home soon and safe.

Jacob Elliott
Sumter, SC


Thank you for telling the story of this platoon. Everyone in America should be watching this so they truly understand the sacrifices that our soldiers make everyday.

Please remember that ordinary people are doing extraordinary things in these wars. Do not forget those who serve our country.

Wife of an Army orthopaedic surgeon serving in Iraq

West Point, NY


I just wanted to comment on how eye-opening this insight into the soldiers' experiences has been for me. My brother and cousin are both serving in the Air Force, and have both been to Iraq, and I couldn't quite understand how emotionally stressful it had been for them because they only relayed their feelings about the expeirience to me after the fact. Seeing real people's emotional response to their environment there as everything is happening to them has brought a distant battle much closer to home and to my heart. I feel for those soldiers, and I wish them a safe and speedy return.

Tom Rudnicki
Pittsburgh, PA


It's very intense for me to watch your videos. I served with the Army Security Agency in the Mekong in South Vietnam and your story really brings things back. I know you are there for each other and keeping each other safe. Personally, I want you home right now. I think you've been there long enough and given enough. God Bless and keep it together. I care about each and everyone of you guys.

Mike Lewis

Mike Lewis
La Crosse, Wisconsin


I am humbled by the bravery of these men. They are all inspirations. I think of my father in Europe during WWII, my mother as a sargent in Norfolk and my brother who served in Bosnia. I am as torn as any other American as to a solution in Iraq, but I know this: who owe these men, as do our children and grandchildrem, for our freedom. I am not religious, but will find myself praying for them tonight. Thanks to PBS for the program.

Jeffrey Lundy
Punxsutawney , Pennsylvania


Fantastic program. Since this war started, I have had a difficult time seperating the politics of the war with the people of this war. I have finally accomplished that with this program. You are all very impressive and an example of the best of America. Thank you.

marquette, mi


I was very impressed with your Bad Voodoo documentary tonight. As a retired military member, the dedication that SFC Nunn has for his troops is admirable and just shows his dedication to them and to his country. As a mother of a military member also, I was touched and honored that this man and his troops are supporting our country and honoring us by their devotion. I can only hope that my son serves under someone like SFC Nunn. I can only hope that the BAd Voodoo Platoon comes home safely. SFC Nunn, in my opinion, deserves a job as a special correspondent or something as he has more composure and grace on the TV than most profesisonals I've ever seen. God Bless him and his platoon.

Pasadena, md


God bless you men...Wish I were back in there beside you.

LJ Dickey
Jaffrey, NH

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posted april 1, 2008

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