Bad Voodoo's War

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Thank you for airing Bad Voodoo's daily trials and tribulations. There is no truer statement than War is Hell. The honesty, integrity and bravery of the soldiers' day to day grind was both intense and humbling. My brother and his unit are deploying soon and I just want them to know that they, Bad Voodoo and the rest of the American troops world wide are the true heroes.

Hopefully, many of our elected officials were able to see this program so that they may contemplate and ponder on it over their summer recess.

Christina Jorgensen
Discovery Bay, CA


Thank you so much for the program. I am a grandmother of five young men who may have to go to Iraq. The thought scares me to death. This is a war we cannot win. Who is our enemy? We don't know - the terrorists, yes, but they could be around every corner. From what I've heard, the Iraqi people don't want us there.

How would we feel about another country invading our country, bombing the hell out of us and telling us what kind of government to set up? We have killed many more Iraqis than Sadam Hussein did. Their country is in constant chaos, they still don't have total electricity or water. Would we want conquerers like that in our country? We have got to bring our troops out of there and back home. We are accomplishing nothing. Put our soldiers where they are needed, on our borders to keep terrorists out. I firmly believe this.

Shirley Anderson
Sun City West, Arizona


Thank You so much for the time and effort all of you have put into this, to get the story out as to what is really going on over there in Iraq. I know a lot of people here in the States don't really understand what your typical day is like. I just hope this story makes the National Headlines so more people can see the truth.

I look forward to watching your videos as they come in.

Steve Mobley
Oakhurst, California


I have always been amazed at how great a job journalists at Frontline can do and someday I will pledge money to PBS because of you.

I was in Iraq at the same time these guys were and they supplied us on a regular basis and gave us what we needed to push out to the rest of the guys. They are appreciated for what they do and we were always glad to get all the fresh supplies from them, even though we had to get it ourselves sometimes. This was the only newscast that was real to me.

This is not a physical war but a psychological one and the more we put our guys in harms way the more the enemy gets the upper hand. The IPs and IAs did all the same TTPs to us which was really the enemy's campaign to drive a wedge between us and the Iraqi security forces. Every soldier in Iraq is a hero and deserves a hero's return, and no American in Iraq ever deserved an IED. PBS is way ahead of any other news agency on Iraq. Thank you and keep up the good work.

anchorage, AK


Thanks for giving me the freedom to live the life people can only dream about in other countries. Not a good situation, but try to keep a level head and remember we all love you Warriors that keep us safe. God Bless you all!

Chris Larsen
Barre, MA


My husband and I just finished watching the Bad Voodoo's War Documentary on PBS, it was incredibly insightful, real, and really opened our eyes to a day in the life of an American Soldier in Iraq/Middle East... Thank you for showing us the raw, real thoughts and experiences... i

its about time we are all reminded of the human lives both abroad and home (families/friends of soldiers) and being thankful to them for telling us how it really is, instead of wasteing our time with where some pop princess went drinking last night... and thankyou to all the soldiers out there for having faith enough to continue on in the face of a situation they may not like. With all my respect for the soldiers and their families, thank you for EVERYTHING!

Theresa R
Los Angeles, CA


Wow....One of the best programs about the War (or Lettuce and tomato runs) I have ever seen.

Whatever your own views are on this war, the story really is about the men and women fighting it. Without getting into the polotics of it, the show was absolutely amazing, well produced, and heartfelt. i was on the edge of my seat, and almost in tears the entire time. As a grown man, that is hard to do, and I applaud FRONTLINE for that.

As stated by many others, this should be mandatory viewing for all Americans. So much is made of the "where and Why"...and so little about the "who". I wish the best for the fine young men in Bad Voodoo, and I hope my children grow up to be as fine of men as they are.

Kevin Lange
Scottsdale, az


I just want to say thank you for airing this. My boyfriend and I are surviving our first deployment. He is currently stationed at Camp Virgina, and watching this gave me a glimpse of what he does. Thank you.

Denise Romero
Los Angeles, California


This show made me very proud of our men and women serving our country.

I was drafted in 1965 into the Army for 2 years. A few years ago, while working as a funeral director in Yakima, WA, I had the privilege of making arrangements with the wives & families of two fallen heroes from Iraq - a Marine and a soldier. The gratefulness and love expressed to these families by our community was overwhelming. Despite the media, America does care! Thank you.

Rich Woodruff
Yakima, Washington


Just finished watching the show - thank you!

You gave us a very human view of what it is like to be in Iraq, and to be in combat. You are very special people, and we in the West owe you a special debt of gratitude for the hard and difficult work that you do.

May you all come home safely and whole.

Jim Pook
Tahsis, BC, Canada


I just sat down to watch your show tonight with my son. He is almost fourteen. As a mother my heart aches for all of you as well as those who love you.The job that you are doing is so important to all who love freedom. I know that we live in a God inspired and blessed land here in America. I pray for your safety and comfort.

angel hawks
seattle, wa


This was an exceptional report. It truly drives home the point that a very few have been asked to give so much while the rest of the citizenry has been simply told to go about their business. After seeing this, it is even more clear to me that, if this is a worthy cause, we all must be asked to share a measure of the pain.

Rod Harrell
Alexandria, VA


Mission accomplished, Sfc. Nunn. You came right into my living room and opened my eyes. I will forward the online version on to my sons and friends. You have my utmost respect. We will be praying for you as it appears the "Revs" prayers in the story worked on the that fatefull night. Thank you for your service.

Denver, CO


Mother of an Army National Guardsmen:My son is doing his second tour in theatre at camp liberty. He will not return until Dec of 2008. I applaud the Men of Bad Voodoo. I also have friends that work for KBR that you protect more people than you know with your dangerous transports. Please keep on keeping us all safe!!!! I listen to the song on my watch tonight produced by a Marine. Then I often think of all of your bravery. Please try and sleep.

Tonji Fricke
Lincoln, Nebraska


Well done, Sgt. Nunn and Bad Voodoo. My brother (ex-Army) is driving a big rig over there, protected by units like yours. Your service is appreciated. Stay safe, come home.

Glenn McDonald
Lee's Summit, MO


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posted april 1, 2008

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