Support & Services for Vets
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
It offers a collection of veterans services and information on Vet Centers, including a map to help locate local centers.
Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America
This is the "nation's first and largest group dedicated to the Troops and Veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the civilian supporters of those Troops and Veterans." A good place to start is this page, where you can find information about membership and links to helpful resources.
Coalition for Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans
A partnership of organizations that works with the military, veterans, families, survivors and providers to strengthen the existing system of care and support for Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans. Check out sections on veterans issues and events in your area.
Give an Hour
A nonprofit group providing free mental health care to U.S. military personnel and their families affected by the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. Click here for a list of resources in your state.
Adopt A U.S. Soldier
A nonprofit organization started by Ann Johnson while her son, Paul, was in Iraq. It links deployed soldiers to pen pals in the U.S. and elsewhere. The story of how Johnson opened her home to vets can be viewed here.
"Military OneSource" -- Comprehensive Military Assistance
"Military OneSource" was established in June 2004 as a one-stop service for all service members who need "help to cope with life's little -- and not so little -- issues." It offers 24-hour phone (800-342-9647) or e-mail consultations. Its site provides advice on everything from coping with stress to caring for an elderly relative to recovering from drug and alcohol addiction. Articles, booklets, CDs, audiotapes, and interactive tools are also available for free. Service members can log on to the main site or go through the portals specific to each branch:
· ARMY -- "Army OneSource"
· MARINES -- "Marines OneSource"
· NAVY -- "Navy OneSource"
· AIR FORCE -- "Air Force OneSource"
The National Center for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Just about everything you might ever want to know about PTSD -- from the biology of the disease to its impact on spirituality -- is provided on this Web site in the form of fact sheets, medical papers, videos and more. The NCPTSD is a part of the V.A. that works to advance the clinical care and social welfare of America's veterans through research, education, and training in the science, diagnosis, and treatment of PTSD and stress-related disorders.
United States Court for Appeals for Veterans Claims
The court was established in 1988 to provide judicial recourse for vets who had their benefits denied by the Board of Veterans' Appeals. Here is information about how to appeal and a list of helpful links.
Army Wounded Warrior Program
The Web site for "the official U.S. Army program that assists and advocates for severely wounded, ill, and injured soldiers, veterans, and their families, wherever they are located, for as long as it takes."
National Guard -- State Web Sites
This map from the National Guard can connect Reserve and Guard veterans to their state offices for support.
National Veterans Foundation
The only nationwide nongovernmental national hotline for veterans and their families providing crisis intervention, resource referral, benefits information and emotional support: 800-777-4443. (Monday-Friday, 9 am to 9 pm Pacific Time).
The site also contains an extensive benefits resource center for veterans and a useful link to information on PTSD.
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