The Private Life of Bradley Manning

Slideshow: New Photos of Bradley Manning

Never before seen images of Manning over the years

Bradley Manning, 23, is accused of leaking more than half a million secret military and State Department documents to WikiLeaks.Bradley Manning
Brian Manning with baby Bradley, born in 1987. At the time, Brian Manning worked in IT for Hertz.Brian and Bradley Manning
Bradley's mother, Susan Fox, a native of Wales, U.K., with Bradley. She married Brian Manning in 1979.Bradley Manning and his mother
Bradley with his older sister, Casey.Bradley and his sister, Casey
Bradley in the yard of his the family home in Crescent, Okla. Friends say they were rarely invited over to the house, located roughly four miles northwest of town.Bradley Manning
Bradley, shown here in an early elementary school photo. He was an excellent student and placed in advanced classes, friends say.Bradley Manning
According to his father, Bradley won the K-12 science fair three years in a row. His projects stood out because he taught himself PowerPoint and was able to create professional-looking presentations.Bradley Manning
Bradley outside his father's house in Oklahoma City in 2001. After his parents divorced, Bradley moved in with his mother and started wearing cooler clothes and doing his hair. "Bradley was never visibly upset about [the divorce]. If anything, he seemed relieved," said Jordan Davis, his closest friend.Bradley Manning
Bradley attended high school at Tasker Milward School in Haverfordwest, Wales, where friends said he was skilled on the computer but often teased. This photo was taken on a school trip to Japan in 2004.Bradley Manning in high school
During Bradley's four years in Wales, he returned only once to the U.S. to attend his sister Casey's wedding.Bradley Manning in high school
In 2005, Bradley moved in with his father in Oklahoma City, but there was tension over finances and house rules. Eventually, Bradley moved out following a heated confrontation with his father and stepmother that resulted in a 911 call and a police visit.Bradley Manning
A talented programmer, Bradley landed a job at Zoto, a software company. But coworkers described him as becoming increasingly erratic. After only a few months, he was fired.Bradley Manning
After leaving his father's house in 2006, Bradley moved to Tulsa, then Chicago and Maryland. He briefly held jobs at Incredible Pizza, Guitar Center, Abercrombie & Fitch and Starbucks.Bradley Manning
In Maryland, Bradley lived with his aunt before joining the Army in 2007.Bradley Manning
This photo of Bradley was taken at his Army barracks in Fort Drum, N.Y., in 2008. He was cited for throwing chairs and yelling at higher-ranking soldiers while he was stationed there.Bradley Manning
Recognizing his skill with computers, the Army trained Bradley as an intelligence analyst at Fort Huachuca, Ariz.Bradley Manning
Bradley deployed to Iraq on Oct. 10, 2009.Bradley Manning
In 2010, someone using the name Bradass87 (allegedly Bradley Manning) confessed in online chats with a computer hacker that he had leaked thousands of secret documents to WikiLeaks. "If you had free reign over classified networks for long periods of time … and you saw incredible things, awful things … things that belonged in the public domain, and not on some server stored in a dark room in Washington, D.C. … what would you do?" he wrote.Bradley Manning
In the chat logs with computer hacker Adrian Lamo, Bradass87 writes, "Lets just say *someone* i know intimately well, has been penetrating US classified networks, mining data like the ones described … and uploading it to a crazy white haired Aussie who can't seem to stay in one country very long."Bradley Manning
Bradley was arrested on May 29, 2010, after Adrian Lamo informed authorities about their chats. He is currently held at a U.S. Marine brig in Quantico, Va. under maximum security on prevention of injury watch, which prevents him from leaving his cell for more than one hour each day for exercise. His pretrial hearing is expected to take place in late May 2011.Bradley Manning


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