The Torture Question
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Prisoner at Abu Ghraib

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It is unfortunate that the major networks and media in general; have chosen to advance patriotic rhetoric over actual American values and human rights. Their apparent refusal to fully expose, investigating and ascertain the truth with regard to these matters has made us all complicit in these atrocities.

However, I would like to commend Frontline for not abrogating their moral duty, by providing factual information and tangible resources. The program truly clarifies the interplay of various laws, policies and procedures; as well as their actual, if not intended consequence.

Randall Cooper
Boston, MA


I am totally disgusted that Americans would purport themselves in this way, no matter what the cause. I do not believe that it is necessary, and am alarmed that only low level members were punished, although I realize this is the norm. I cannot believe that the Bush administration has any supporters at all after seeing this show. As with children, we must lead by example, not by lowering ourselves to the depths of our enemies.

Mollie Crockett
Barling, AR


While most of the facts presented in the "Torture" documentary was known to me, the piece was for me extraordinarily powerful. You have courageously told the truth -- something all too rare in journalism at this time. You do not flinch from explaining the pressures on our young soldiers, nor the deception and moral bankruptcy of those who gave them their orders -- and to date have avoided all accountability. The embrace of torture by the US Armed Forces is both a national disgrace -- and an error of practical judgment for which this nation will suffer the consequences for a long time to come. Thank you for your honesty.

alex lerman
chappaqua, ny


Well it was obvious to me, it was right there in black and white. They showed the written orders of Rumsfeld and Sanchez and nothing mentioned starvation, beating, sodomy, groping by female interegators and the like. That was the choice of some beligerant young people such as we have running around the streets of any civilized nation. The ones that torture animals, beat people up in bars, or vandalize for the fun of it. Many of these types of yound men and women join the military and you get what we had at Abu Ghraib and elsewhere.

This movie proved to me that the higher ups never ordered these extreme measured. They only authorized the kinds of harsh techniques that most Americans don't object to after an event like 9/11. Dogs are fine, though not to maul, which was stated was the case by the young man at the end. Standing for hours... no problem. Many old women do it as greeters at Walmart and Meijer. Sleep deprivation... who cares. Hot room, cold room... who cares. Loud music... who cares. Get the idea?

But sodomy, beating, and true starvation is sick and twisted. Again, not authorized by our leaders. Look, I'm not giving terrorists the benefit of the doubt over our military leaders. Remember 9/11.

anti terrorist
Detroit, MI


Its amazing to see the documented footage of abuses. What scares me more is what has been missed over the past that has fueled the anger towards America and its citizens. With this and other documentaries we may now see first hand WHY fundamentalist ideals generate so much support. The American public is generally protected from the evil that we do abroad. Until the chickens come home to roost. Then we say, "how could this be?"

Ausar Amen


While the motivations of the interrogators may be benevolent (saving American lives), torturing an individual who know nothing will simply create a terrorist. Thus, using torture to fight terrorism can often result in exacerbating the problem.

Vinnie R
Wichita, Kansas


I watched your 10/18/05 airing regarding the "torture" question and I must say that I was surprised that this would air while our troops are in harms way. I think there should absolutely be freedom of speech, but discretion seems to be lacking in the airing of this report. I will ask a question that I know you will not answer, but how many Americans have PBS placed in danger by enraging a huge muslim population with this report? Sleep well PBS employees knowing our young service men and women will be defending the freedom you enjoy while facing an enemy you have just held a pep-rally for.

Jimmy Wingfield
Johnson, TN


We have to do what ever is necessary to stop this world wide.If it takes terror to stop terror, so be it.

Mike Mitchell
Nashville, TN


Thank you for continuing to show us the truth, even when it is difficult for us to watch. The saying goes that this was the result of a few bad apples. It surely was, unfortunately the worst, most rotten and stinking apples are at the top and still sitting there stinking.

I am concerned for the kind of American soldiers who are coming home. I want them to get the psychological help they will need.

Kathy Sanden


From what I saw of this program, it seemed to me that a tremendous amount of charges were made with no evidence to back them up. Films of soldiers horsing around were used to intimate that these soldiers were doing the same things to prisoners. My favorite phrase, "then the knives came out", is a perfect example of guilt by innuendo. In the past, I have found Frontline to be balanced in its portrayal of facts in a story. Not this time. All that is missing from this story is a subliminal picture of President Bush. If it wasn't so serious, it would be pathetic.

John Doty
Austin, Texas


This show, this despicable show, you treasonous cowards, I am appalled how you put our soldiers at risk and enlighten the enemy!

I am so sickened by watching this show, this disgrace, this true treasonous act! You should be ashamed for selectively picking cowards who would rather see this great country be degraded for the sake of ratings, liberal base, than the protectors of this great country, how dare you, you should be ashamed.

Thank god for tough action, strong will and a dogged determination to see through your devise, destructive, and dangerous airing of this terrible betrayal of the men and woman who are protecting everything you have and everything you ever will have, I'm sick!

Wayne Woran

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posted oct. 18, 2006

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