Press Reaction

Ginia Bellafante -- The New York Times

"The film is an old-school, dig-deep production that could have been improved upon only if it had been longer. … And yet there is something commendable in the film's brisk pacing and tight informative focus, one that allows the narrative of villainy to speak for itself without dramatic embellishment."

Verne Gay -- Newsday

"This 'Frontline' is just another shining example of what this program does so well: It connects the dots and then draws a line through each of them, until a full damning portrait emerges. … Watch this superb piece of explanatory journalism and understand how this past may still be a prologue."

Andrew Ryan -- The Globe and Mail

"The venerable news program details the events that led up to last spring's massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. … Top-drawer reporting, by professionals who know how to get to the heart of a story. Edward R. Murrow would be proud."


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