

Lessons Learned: The Examination Of Three Postwar Reconstruction Plans

Opening activity: "The Lost Year in Iraq in Cartoons"

Students will analyze a series of political cartoons about Paul Bremer and the reconstruction of Iraq.

Lesson Objectives:

Students will:

Materials Needed:

Time Needed:


Step 1: Opening Lesson: "The Lost Year in Iraq in Cartoons"

  1. Distribute student handout "The Lost Year in Iraq in Cartoons."
  2. Divide class into small groups of three to four and review the directions with students.
  3. Have each group of students review one or two of the cartoons. (You can have them review more if desired.)
  4. Have groups analyze the cartoons using the questions on the student handout.
  5. Have groups report their findings to the class

Step 2: Lessons Learned

  1. Divide students into three large groups with each group reviewing one of the following postwar reconstruction plans:
    • The Teller Amendment -- the Spanish American War
    • The Marshall Plan -- Europe after World War II
    • The Seven-part Bremer Plan for Iraq
  2. Distribute the appropriate handout to each group and have students work in small groups of three to read the background information on their assigned postwar plan and go to the Web link to read details of the plan. (This step can be done as a homework assignment.)
  3. In their groups, students should review and answer the "Small Group Discussion Questions" on their handouts. In order to prepare for the next step, each student should record their group's ideas on a sheet of paper.
  4. Re-form students into new groups of three containing a representative from each of the three reconstruction plans. These new groups should review and answer the "Mixed Group Discussion Questions" on their handouts.
  5. Have students write a one-page essay briefly reviewing the three postwar reconstruction plans and highlighting the following:
    • The extent of an invading country's responsibility to rebuild a defeated country
    • The major problems with Bremer's postwar reconstruction plan for Iraq
    • Recommendations to avoid problems of the past
    • Improvements that could be made in the present situation
    • The effects that failure to bring democracy and freedom to Iraq would have on both the United States and Iraq

Methods Of Assessment: