
Student Handout

"Storyboard Organizer"

Your name__________________________

Sympathetic to Peter?       Unsympathetic to Peter?      (circle one)

Use the following to help you plan and create your storyboard:

A. Working with your group, briefly describe the parts of PeterŐs story you are going to film.







B. With your group, look at your numbered steps and take any out that don't seem as if they help you tell the story. Add any that you feel are missing. You must end up with four numbered steps for your four shots.

C.Fill in the chart below. For each numbered step of your story, fill in a new shot.

Shot #1 Beginning

Description: What's going on?Shot type: close-up or wide?Visual clues to help communicate your idea and point of viewAdditional elements (music?)

Shot #2 Middle

Description: What's going on?Shot type: close-up or wide?Visual clues to help communicate your idea and point of viewAdditional elements (music?)

Shot #3 Middle

Description: What's going on?Shot type: close-up or wide?Visual clues to help communicate your idea and point of viewAdditional elements (music?)

Shot #4 End

Description: What's going on?Shot type: close-up or wide?Visual clues to help communicate your idea and point of viewAdditional elements (music?)