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the torture question

» Student Handout: The Facts and Issues of the Abu Ghraib Prison Scandal

Directions: After reviewing the information from the Web sites, answer the following questions:

  1. What was Abu Ghraib during the rule of Saddam Hussein?
  2. What did the U.S. military use Abu Ghraib for?
  3. What was the U.S. policy toward detainees held as prisoners at Guantanamo?
  4. What was the U.S. policy toward detainees held as prisoners at Abu Ghraib?
  5. How did the story of prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib become public?
  6. What reasons did military guards give to explain their actions against Iraqi prisoners?
  7. Generally, what did military investigations reveal about the abuse at Abu Ghraib and who was responsible?

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