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the other drug war


Pre-Viewing Lesson Plan
  • Media Messages
  • Student Handout: Key Concepts in Media Literacy
  • Student Handout: Prescription Drug Advertising

  • Viewing Lesson Plan
  • Student Viewing Guide
  • Student Handout: Questions for Viewing
  • Student Handout: Key Terms and Definitions

  • Post-Viewing Lesson Plans
  • The Rest of the Story
  • Great Debates

  • Supplementary Activities

    Internet Resources

    Printable .pdf of Entire Guide
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    » Internet Resources

    Evaluating sources: As with all issues, especially political and economic conflicts, students must learn to be savvy and discriminating readers. No Web site can provide all the information a student needs to know. Encourage your students to "interrogate" Web sites even as they are reading. Guiding questions as they work through these activities should include: What did you learn from this source? What is left out from this source? Who sponsors this source? What bias might the sponsor have?


    The Other Drug War
    The companion Web site to "The Other Drug War" features extended transcripts of interviews from the program, more information on the battle in the states to control prescription drug prices and FAQs on drug pricing and marketing.

    Understanding the Effects of Direct-to-Consumer Prescription Drug Advertising
    This report, sponsored by the Kaiser Family Foundation, presents the results of a survey given to viewers and non-viewers of three prescription drug advertisements in which the respondents were asked to assess the information presented in the ads. [Note: This is a PDF file; Adobe Acrobat is required to view it and the file may take some time to load.]

    Television Prescription Ads
    This article on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's Web site explains the history behind direct-to-consumer prescription drug ads.

    Managing Prescription Drug Costs
    A report from National Public Radio's Morning Edition discusses the struggles and options seniors have as they face high drug costs. This site also has links to other useful Web sites that present various options being considered, both by individuals and by the nation, to address the cost of prescription drugs.

    Medicare Watch: Prescription Drugs
    This Century Foundation Web site offers links to prescription drug costs and government proposals to reduce costs.

    Prescription Drugs
    This document, from the U.S. government's Administration on Aging, catalogues numerous Web sites sponsored by the government, consumer agencies and other reputable sources that present information about prescription drug costs, use, safety and effectiveness. [Note: This file requires Microsoft Word to view; may take some time to load.]

    Drug Pricing Reform
    This site, sponsored by Congressman Bernie Sanders (I-VT), shows profits reaped by pharmaceutical companies as compared to other major industries. Links show price comparisons by countries and options being considered by Congress.

    The Drug Industry
    Public Citizen sponsors this Web site that questions drug pricing, the pharmaceutical industry's argument for research and development costs, and its lobbying effort.

    The Web site of Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) offers the drug companies' views on drug pricing, direct-to-consumer advertising, and research and development.

    Merchants of Cool
    For more about the effects of advertising on teens, visit the FRONTLINE Web site for this program, which aired in 2001. The teachers guide for "Merchants of Cool" can be found at: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/teach/cool/

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