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Pre-Viewing Lesson Plan
  • The Era That Shaped Oswald
  • Student Handout: Part One: What Do You Know About JFK?
  • Student Handout: Part Two: Checking Your Answers

  • Viewing Lesson Plan
  • Student Viewing Guide
  • Student Handout: Student Viewing Guide

  • Post-Viewing Lesson Plan
  • The "Trial" of Lee Harvey Oswald

  • Extending the Lesson
  • Trying to Make Sense of the World
  • "Truth" and "Fiction"

  • Internet Resources

    Printable .pdf of Entire Guide
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    » Pre-Viewing Lesson Plan

    The Era That Shaped Oswald

    » Lesson Objectives:

    In this lesson, students will:

    • Learn about the world that shaped Lee Harvey Oswald's political beliefs
    • Begin to think about why people might assign so much importance to this assassination

    » Materials Needed:

    » Time Needed:

    45-80 minutes, depending on the extent of the discussion

    » Procedure:

    1. Instruct students to answer the questions on the student handout entitled "What Do You Know About JFK?"

    2. After students have attempted to answer these questions, give them the second handout, "Checking Your Answers," which contains resources for them to follow up on their answers to the first handout.

    3. Tell students to return to questions on the first handout and research the answers, using classroom resources and the Internet resources listed on the second handout.

      Media literacy note: As with all issues, especially ones charged with controversy, students must learn to be savvy and discriminating readers. No Web site can provide all the information a student needs to know, and teachers should encourage students to "interrogate" Web sites even as they are reading. Guiding questions as they work through these activities should be: What did you learn from this source? What didn't you learn from this source? Who sponsors this source? What bias might the sponsor have?

    4. Conduct a classroom discussion about the students' answers.

    » Method of Assessment

    • Class discussion
    • Submission of student handout after discussion

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