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teachers guide

muslim girls


Discussion and Activities


Beliefs and Daily Lives of Muslims

Islam Timeline

This guide provides teachers with background information and classroom activities to extend the viewing experience of the film "Muslims." The classroom exercises are designed for teachers who have a working knowledge of the difference between stereotypes and facts about Islam. You may want to use the background information in this guide to familiarize yourself with Islam prior to doing any of these activities. If you are not comfortable in your own knowledge, some of these exercises could perpetuate stereotypes about Muslims rather than correct them.

This teacher guide was developed by Simone Bloom Nathan Ed.M. of Media Education Consultants and written by Semya Hakim, Assistant Professor, Human Relations and Multicultural Education, St. Cloud State University with input from Anisa Mehdi. Advisors were Lynne Blinkenberg of Wisconsin Public Television, Maha El Genaidi of Islamic Networks Group (ING), Ellen Greenblatt of San Francisco University High School and Barbara Petzen of the Outreach Center of Harvard University's Center for Middle Eastern Studies. Special thanks to Lisa Zbar, Ameena Jandali and Zeba Siddiqui.

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