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teacher center: leadership

Leaders, and the decisions they make, have an enormous influence on people's lives. Over the years, FRONTLINE has profiled many U.S. and world leaders and provided opportunities for students to learn about leadership through the personalities, experiences, influences and decisions of many different types of leaders. A thorough analysis of the important qualities, traits and characteristics of strong leaders may help students make more informed choices when they cast their ballots for leaders running for school, community or political office.

The following list includes FRONTLINE programs dealing with leaders and leadership:

john paul II: the millennial pope

This contains background and activities relating to the issue of leadership in general, and specifically as it relates to the Pope's leadership.

the choice '96

The Choice '96 profiles the 1996 political candidates for U.S. President, Bob Dole and Bill Clinton (the teacher guide contains information about young voters and the democratic process)

the lost america

The Lost American is a profile of Fred Cuny, a humanitarian killed in Chechnya (the teacher guide examines humanitarianism and the impact of individuals on social change)

the long walk of nelson mandela

The Long Walk of Nelson Mandela is a profile of a great leader who became the first president of a democratic South Africa. (the teacher guide includes a section on leadership)

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