FRONTLINE's Teacher Center


featured guides

The Return of the Taliban

The Enemy Within

Much Ado About Something

FRONTLINE documentaries and Web sites are a valuable resource for teachers and students of current events, history, government and public policy. Here, in the FRONTLINE Teacher Center, we offer lesson plans and activities for middle school and high school teachers that are designed to take up no more than one or two classroom periods. Please read the Frequently Asked Questions for more information on using FRONTLINE materials in the classroom, taping rights, or purchasing videotapes.



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Selected FRONTLINE reports can now be viewed online



a collection of FRONTLINE programs on education policy


Looking for Additional Resources?

Visit the following Web sites of special interest to educators:

  • PBS TeacherSource
    This Web site has more than 4,000 free lesson plans and activities, as well as online professional development opportunities for teachers.
  • FRONTLINE/World Educators
    Here, teachers can share "Stories from a Small World" with their students. Activities are offered in the following categories: Culture, Geography, Economics, History, and Politics.
  • Now with Bill Moyers Classroom
    This companion Web site offers classroom activities in the following areas: Arts & Literature, Health, Science, and Social Studies.
  • The Online Newshour Extra: News for Students
    The Newshour with Jim Lehrer created this Web site to provide both teachers and students with resources and activities based on current events.
  • Wide Angle Global Classroom
    On this site, educators can find lesson plans on global issues using the following categories: conflict, economics, human rights, power & politics, and religion & culture.
  • Teacher's Domain
    Focused on science and social studies, Teacher's Domain offers an ever-expanding library of classroom-ready multimedia resources, including video, and lesson plans involving content from FRONTLINE, NOVA, American Experience and other public television productions.