Taking Matters into Your Own Hands
Have students examine greenhouse emissions produced at home and at school. They can examine their everyday actions, the greenhouse gas emissions some of these produce and the potential for climate change at the EPA Web site at http://www.epa.gov/climatechange/wycd/school.html for information on how to investigate their school and http://www.epa.gov/climatechange/wycd/home.html on investigating their home.
Public Forum on Global Warming and Climate Change
Students can organize a public forum on the issue of global warming. They can invite speakers from local higher academic institutions with diverse views on the reasons and actions that should be taken surrounding global warming. They can also show films and share other materials on the causes and consequences of global warming and climate change. Students can also invite state legislators and local city or county officials who can speak to the actions politicians are taking in their state. Students might want to start with a small forum that presents to combined classes or to the school community at lunch. They can then plan a public forum to be held during or after school in the gym or other large facility and be open to the public.
Assessing State and Local Action on Global Warming
Have students research laws passed or being discussed in state legislatures addressing carbon emissions and climate change issues. For information, students can call their state legislator or city council member. Then have them research the pros and cons of these bills or laws. They can review media outlets, political party Web sites, or statements by public officials. Students can express their opinions based on their research by creating posters, political cartoons, billboards, or public service announcements to support their point of view.