a hidden life

Additional Resources

A Note about Internet Resources
Students should be aware that Web sites often present only one view of an issue. Encourage students to think about and question Web sites even as they are reading. Guiding questions as they review Web sites are: What did you learn from this site? What didn't you learn from this site? Who sponsors this site? What bias might the sponsor have? How current is the site?


A Hidden Life
The companion site to the FRONTLINE documentary includes extended interviews with Jim West and others, Web-only video of reaction to the scandal, a guide to The Spokesman-Review's coverage and the opportunity to watch the full program online in high-quality video.

PBS Teacher Source
A search for "media ethics" connects to dozens of excellent lesson plans.

U.S. Department of State's Media and Ethics
U.S. Department of State, International Information Programs, Media and Ethics publishes links to articles and journals concerning contemporary American journalism.

Indiana University School of Journalism Ethics Cases Online
This site is a terrific repository of hypothetical scenarios confronting journalists. Teachers are encouraged to download these case studies for classroom use. This Web site offers many different situations, ranging from how to report on a child's suicide to how to consider the activities of a reporter's spouse.

Future of the First Amendment
In 2006, 15,000 students and their teachers were surveyed about their attitudes concerning the First Amendment. Students might be interested to learn how their peers feel about whether freedom of speech "goes too far."

Student Press Law Center
Students can take this 30-minute interactive quiz concerning student press.

Society of Professional Journalists
This professional organization provides useful resources such as their Code of Ethics, questions concerning the ethics of covering war, case studies and links to the codes for other journalism organizations.

Radio and Television News Directors Association (RTNDA)
Students can look at the ethical guidelines for radio and television programs. RTNDA's High School Journalism Project provides student handbooks, teachers' guides and lesson plans for media related topics such as the film "Good Night and Good Luck."

National Press Photographers Association: Code of Ethics
Students can look at the ethical guidelines and professional standards for photojournalists.

The <>New York Times Ethical Journalism ­ A Handbook of Values and Practices for News and Editorial Departments
Students and teachers can use this document as a comprehensive example of journalistic standards. Special attention should be paid to "Introduction and Purpose" and "Our Duty to Our Readers." (PDF file, Adobe Acrobat or Apple Preview required.)


"Ethical Journalism is Not an Oxymoron"
By Lee Wilkins and Renita Coleman
This article analyzes the results of a University of Missouri study that gathered information on the ethical habits of many different professions. Wilkins and Coleman also collaborated on the 2005 book Moral Media: How Journalists Reason About Ethics. (PDF file, Adobe Acrobat or Apple Preview required.)

"U.S. Journalists Fare Well on Tests of Ethics, Study Finds"
By Peter Johnson
Easy to read, this article also reports on the University of Missouri's study. Includes a chart of journalists' scores compared to nine other professions.