The Last Abortion Clinic

Teacher's Questions for "Law Bingo"

Read the following questions to the class in any order:

  1. Which part of the government nominates Supreme Court justices?
  2. Which Supreme Court case established the concept of "judicial review"?
  3. What is federalism?
  4. Which part of the government confirms Supreme Court nominees?
  5. What is "judicial review?"
  6. Who was William Rehnquist?
  7. Which Supreme Court case legalized abortion?
  8. Who is John Roberts?
  9. Which part of the government resolves conflicts over state and national law?

(Copy of students' "Law Bingo" board)

Law Bingo Law Bingo Law Bingo
Marbury v. Madison (1803) The legislature The judiciary
System of balancing power between the states and the national government The former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court The power of the judicial branch to declare laws "unconstitutional"
The current Chief Justice of the Supreme Court The president Roe v. Wade (1973)