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photo of a man facing down a tank in 1989photo of soldiers suppressing the 1989 protestsphoto of a man arguing with soldiers

What are your reactions to this report on Tiananmen 1989 and its legacy for the Chinese government and people? What is your memory of that time, and the image of the man who stood up to the column of tanks?


I am an Asian studies major and often use Baidu.cn a Chinese run and censored search engine. If you do an image search for Tiananmen in Baidu you will find an image of tank guy on page 2, it even links you to the BBC! I think the real story here is the exloitation of Chinese workers by western corporations. Certainly the events in Tiananmen were horrible but, truthful information is accesable on the web even in China,if you know where to look.

Christa Ernst
Atlanta, Georgia


I've never been a Yahoo user and, after watching tonight's special report, I'm glad about that. Those who are should seriously consider boycotting Yahoo in protest for their disgraceful collaboration with the repressive Chinese government's prosecution and imprisonment of a local journalist, who will spend 10 years in prison thanks to Yahoo informing on him.

David Haro
Jackson Heights, NY

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posted apr. 11, 2006

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