behind taliban lines
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Readings & Links

Taliban fighters in Afghanistantaliban commanderTaliban fighters in Afghanistan

Related Reports Embedding With the Taliban Gulbuddin Hekmatyar & Hezb-i-Islami The Taliban Keep Up With the Story

Related Reports

FRONTLINE's Obama's War (October 2009) looked at how the president's new counterinsurgency strategy is shaping up on the ground in Helmand; and Return of the Taliban (October 2006) provides a rare look inside the Taliban's sanctuary in Pakistan's tribal areas.

Ongoing coverage from FRONTLINE & FRONTLINE/World is collected here.

Embedding With the Taliban

Gulbuddin Hekmatyar & Hezb-i-Islami

The Taliban

Keep Up With the Story

The following are great resources to follow developments in Afghanistan:

The Af-Pak Channel (from Foreign Policy) has terrific analysis, from experts including Peter Bergen and Steve Coll, and publishes a daily brief of the latest news from the region.

The New York Times collects its Afghanistan stories here; stories on the Taliban are here. Its At War blog contains posts from reporters in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq.

The Washington Post collects its coverage -- including interactive features -- on Afghanistan and Pakistan here.

posted february 23, 2010

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