Archives May 2010

If the Euro Fails...Flashback

If the Euro Fails...

May 19, 2010
A terrifying thought. Witness this glimpse 13 years ago of Thailand's financial crisis and need to prop up the baht. Panic spread through Asian markets and before long roared through the world's economy...
Corporation for Public Broadcasting Announces Grant to Expand PBS' FRONTLINEInside FRONTLINE

Corporation for Public Broadcasting Announces Grant to Expand PBS' FRONTLINE

May 18, 2010
Award-Winning Investigative Documentary Series to Air on PBS Member Stations Year Round Starting this Fall David Fanning Receives CPB Ralph Lowell Award for Outstanding Contribution to Public Television (Austin, TX) - May 18, 2010 - The Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) today announced a new grant to expand PBS' award-winning investigative documentary series FRONTLINE to a year-round broadcast footprint. FRONTLINE will be celebrating its 29th season this fall on PBS. The announcement was made at the annual PBS membership meeting in Austin, Texas, where CPB also presented FRONTLINE Executive Producer David Fanning with the Ralph Lowell Award for Outstanding Contribution...
Where Are You On This One?In the News

Where Are You On This One?

May 18, 2010
Should kids who kill get life without parole? The U.S. Supreme Court announced it'll wrestle with it next session. Meanwhile -- some video, and our reporting...
Dr. DeathFlashback

Dr. Death

May 6, 2010
Back in the early '90s the Jack Kevorkian story commanded headlines. He was helping desperate people -- 27 in all -- to end their lives. He even devised a machine to assist them, called The Thanatron. HBO's Al Pacino film on Kevorkian a few weeks ago jogged our memories about those years. Some saw Kevorkian's 27 cases as an indictment of our medical system: where were the doctors? Was suicide the only answer for these patients? So here's a clip from our 1994 report, The Kevorkian File, which suggests some of the public drama and ferocious legal battle that went...