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saving someone from a carchaos at the convention centerline of cars and trucks leaving new orleans
What are the lessons learned from Hurricane Katrina?  Are we prepared for other disasters in waiting?


hurricane katrina revealed the united states was not prepared for a nuclear bomb. it still did not change the responsibility of the state and local governments. they owed it to the people to tell the truth from the beginning. remember i was here.

new orleans mayor did not tell his people to truly evacuate until sunday. our leaders told us to get out the first day. i think you go on about new orleans and i sympathize with them but here we are living this. having insurance people coming and saying the devastation in new orleans does not even compare to the devastation of this place. i watch friends faces age as they deal with this diaster that took their livings, homes and stressed their family situations further.

sharon dye
D'Iberville, ms


In a strange way, this FRONTLINE presentation actually exonerates the Bush administration. Surely, four months after the fact, with millions of words published on the subject, reporters by now should be able to tell us exactly what it was that the federal government was supposed to do that it didn't do. No journalistic piece I've seen to date has answered that question, and FRONTLINE hasn't either; rather, it just keeps repeating the conclusion that FEMA messed up, without explaining how. The default conclusion is that while the officials at all three levels of government were not the sharpest knives in the emergency management drawer, the bad things that happened were mainly just the result of the unprecedented magnitude of the emergency, and would have happened no matter who was in charge. If another conclusion is called for, surely with months of research and an hour of broadcast time, FRONTLINE could have produced the evidence.

Kevin Gately
Fair Lawn, NJ


I was in medical school during Betsty in New Orleans and lack of communication was a problem then. Same in 9/11 and now Katrina. Everyone is blowing smoke. Someone must make it happen and until it does any kind of disater preparedness is a joke.

William Haller Jr
Gadsden, AL


Why was there nothing about the devestation of the Mississippi Gulf Coast where the hurricane actually made landfall - It is very upsetting and disapointing to see nothing but New Orleans -a city that knew it had a levy problem ( i.e. the Great Flood of 1927) and not the absolute annihilation of the Ms.Gulf Coast? Our homes were not only flooded by a 30 tidal wave they were removed from the landscape. Please tell me why we have not had the national coverage that New Orleans has? We are ground zero!!!

Leah Chevalier
Ocean Springs, Mississippi


I just watched "The Storm", and I believe that that was the most accurate story I've seen so far. My family has suffered greatly because of a glitch in the system.

jen gia

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posted nov. 22, 2005

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