Act III, Scene 5: Lights, Camera, Inhale

Picture of original clipping
"As discussed, I guarantee that I will use Brown & Williamson tobacco products in no less than five feature films. It is my understanding that Brown & Williamson will pay a fee of $500,000. Hoping to hear from you soon. Sincerely, Sylvester Stallone."

From a 1983 letter of agreement in which Stallone pledges to feature B&W products in films such as "Rambo" and "Rocky IV." 2404.02

Tobacco money has always been spread liberally throughout Congress and state legislatures, but the industry's attempts to buy influence in Hollywood are not as well known. B&W and other companies have paid large sums of money to convince film stars like Sylvester Stallone to smoke a Kool cigarette on camera or see to it that a company product is clearly visible in the movie. These "product placements" were a way to promote cigarettes in films despite the fact the industry is legally allowed to advertise only in the print media (Associated Films letter, 6/14/83, 2404.01 ; Stallone letter, 4/28/93, 2404.02; commentary by B&W on Marlboro's use in "Apocalypse Now," 12/5/83 ,2403.01