a dangerous business
mcwane story

readings and links

FRONTLINE's Partners in This Report
The New York Times: "Dangerous Business"

Read their three-part series entitled "Dangerous Business." The Web site also includes an extended multimedia feature with an interactive graphic on how cast-iron pipe is made; charts that detail McWane's safety record in comparison to its major competitors; and "behind the scenes" audio from reporters Lowell Bergman and David Barstow. (Note: The New York Times site requires free registration.)
CBC: "A Toxic Company"

Through takeovers and mergers since 1989, McWane has won control of the lion's share of the Canadian market for cast-iron pipes and related products. On the CBC's Web site, read more about McWane's presence in Canada -- including documents related to the company's 1995 guilty plea for conspiring to unduly lessen competition in the supply and sale of ductile iron pipe -- and more of the company's response to the joint reporting of FRONTLINE, The New York Times, and the CBC.
OSHA and Workplace Safety
Occupational Safety & Health Administration

OSHA's Web site offers an overview of the agency's history, its mission, and the full range of its activities. It provides a wide array of information geared to help educate employers and workers, including extensive guides on compliance assistance and cooperative programs, official agency publications and transcripts, and a section on nationwide OSHA inspection statistics and data.
OSH Act of 1970

The complete text of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, by which Congress established OSHA.
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)

Part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), NIOSH is "the federal agency responsible for conducting research and making recommendations for the prevention of work-related disease and injury." Its Web site provides a wealth of information and many useful links.
BLS: Injuries, Illnesses, Fatalities

This section of the Bureau of Labor Statistics Web site includes the most recent data on illnesses and injuries on the job, as well as the most recent Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries.
Costs of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses

An excerpt from the introduction and summary of the first comprehensive study and estimate of the national costs of occupational injuries and illnesses, by J. Paul Leigh, Steven Markowitz, Marianne Fahs, and Phillip Landrigan.
OSHA and Workplace Safety
The Myth of Workers' Compensation Fraud

"In recent years, the insurance industry's focus on cheaters and malingerers helped push through national workers' compensation reform, a profitable cost-cutting campaign supported by outrage over alleged abuse of the system. The problem, however, is that the fraud image is false for the vast majority of workers' compensation cases." An excerpt from A Job to Die For: Why So Many Americans Are Killed, Injured or Made Ill at Work and What to Do About It (Common Courage Press, 2002), by workplace safety advocate Lisa Cullen.
Workers' Compensation: State by State

This page of the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development Web site offers links to workers' compensation information for each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia.
Workers' Compensation: Benefits, Coverage, and Costs, 2000 New Estimates

Published by the nonprofit, nonpartisan National Academy of Social Insurance, this report provides the only comprehensive national data on the largely state-run workers' compensation programs.

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