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'a roundtable discussion: battlefield contractors

Private Security Contractors ("PSC") are providing unprecedented levels of protection for United States and contractor personnel, facilities, and supplies in Iraq. The expanded use of PSCs has triggered proposals to significantly increase the regulation and oversight of the industry.

The Department of Defense ("DoD") recently issued a proposed rule addressing certain contractual and assumption-of-risk issues for contractors supplying support personnel during a military operation, the Secretary of Defense is developing a policy regarding the arming of civilian personnel and DoD contractor employees in Iraq, and Members of Congress have expressed concern regarding oversight of the industry.

  • How are PSC's addressing the issues?

  • How can PSC's mitigate the risks?

  • Are there "best practices" being developed?

  • What changes need to be made to the proposed DoD rule and other proposals to regulate PSCs?

  • Will the existing proposals actually result in greater risk of harm?

  • What are the "lessons learned" to date?

  • Is your company prepared to respond to an adverse event?

Participating in the roundtable discussion will be representatives from major PSC firms, and U.S. Export Controls and Government Contract law attorneys from Crowell & Moring, a large and nationally recognized government contracts law firm.


May 5, 2004


Crowell & Moring LLP
<address redacted>
Washington, D.C. 20004


8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.

Breakfast will be served

For more information on the substantive focus of this event, please contact Crowell & Moring LLP partner David Hammond at

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posted june 21, 2005

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