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letter from l. paul bremer


6 April 2004

Mr. and Mrs. Jozo Zovko
Timberlake, OH

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Zovko:

On behalf of the Coalition Provisional Provisional Authority allow me to express our deepest sympathies at the tragic death of your son Jerry in Iraq. We are all shocked and terribly saddened by this despicable act.

I would like to personally assure you that Jerry was serving an honorable cause. The Iraqi people will be successful in their long journey towards a democratic and free society. As you well know Jerry was a dedicated individual and will remain an inspiration to all of us in Iraq whether civilian or military. In the line of duty, he gave his all.

Rest assured that our authorities are actively investigating Jerry's murder and that we will not rest until those responsible are punished for this despicable crime. You family will remain in our thoughts and prayers as you confront this terrible tragedy in the difficult days ahead. I will do my part to ensure Jerry's contribution to this county will be forever remembered by the Iraq people [sic].

With my deepest sympathies,

L. Paul Bremer III

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posted june 21, 2005

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