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Is Wal-Mart Good for America?
Wal-Mart's "everyday low prices" benefit millions of American consumers, and it is Fortune magazine's number-one most admired company in the United States. But others argue that Wal-Mart is a bad bargain for American workers. Here, Gary Gereffi, professor of sociology at Duke University; Brink Lindsey, vice president for research at the Cato Institute; Jon Lehman, a former Wal-Mart store manager; and Ray Bracy, Wal-Mart's vice president for federal and international corporate affairs, address the question: Is Wal-Mart good for America?

One, Two, Three, Four … We Don't Want Your Superstore
Across the country, communities weigh the costs and benefits of opening their doors to the nation's largest discount retailer.

Is Wal-Mart a Bargain for its Workers?
With 1.2 million employees -- the nation's largest employer -- Wal-Mart is, in the words of historian Nelson Lichtenstein, a "template firm" for U.S. companies, and thus has received much media scrutiny for its employment practices. Here is a closer look at the issue of Wal-Mart and unions, and a roundup of some of the charges that have been made in court against the retailer and the company's defense. Plus more on Wal-Mart's plans for becoming a "a leader in employment practices."

The Rise of Wal-Mart
A chronology of Wal-Mart's stunning growth from its humble, small-town origins to the world's largest company.


The Los Angeles Times' Reports on Wal-Mart
The Los Angeles Times won a Pulitzer Prize for this series of articles on the tactics that have made Wal-Mart the largest company in the world and the company's cascading effects across American towns and developing countries.

Store Wars: When Wal-Mart Comes to Town
This Web site accompanies the PBS program of the same name, which explores one local community's reaction to the announcement that Wal-Mart wanted to build a store in its neighborhood.

How Big Can It Grow?
"The mathematics of big numbers suggests that Wal-Mart's growth must slow," says this April 15, 2004 article from The Economist. "Amazingly, the opposite appears to be happening."

Don't Blame Wal-Mart for the Wal-Mart Economy
Daniel Gross writes in Slate, "Low wages, the trade deficit, the collapse of U.S. manufacturing -- the business press says Wal-Mart's responsible. Actually, you are." (Oct. 8, 2003)

Wal-Mart Stores
Wal-Mart's corporate Web site has more information about the company's history, growth and culture; its annual report and other investor information; and Wal-Mart's statements on its stance on controversial issues, such as gun sales, sweatshop allegation, and unions.

Sprawlbusters is an organization designed to "help local community coalitions on-site to design and implement successful campaigns against megastores and other undesirable large-scale developments."