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Sacramento Bee Rick Kushman

"... 'Frontline,' which has been on a roll this fall, comes through again with the compelling 'Is Wal-Mart Good for America?' ..."

The Record (Hackensack, N.J.) Virginia Rohan

"... thought-provoking... While many viewpoints are aired, critics argue convincingly that Wal-Mart has played a big role in driving U.S. manufacturing to China... Especially eye-opening is the information about Wal-Mart's pricing strategy -- and the pressure tactics used on suppliers."

The Globe and Mail John Doyle

"... 'Frontline: Is Wal-Mart Good for America?' is a serious and subtly scathing report... [Reporter Hedrick] Smith takes an unusual tack in his TV work. He's low-key, methodical and, even when he's asking provocative questions, he does it in an offhand manner. His reports are all the more compelling for the low-key approach. ..."

The Star-Ledger (Newark, N.J.) Matt Zoller Seitz

"... indispensable, and wise too. They depict Wal-Mart as, simultaneously, a miracle and a menace, and gently remind viewers that whenever good arrives on our doorstep, it brings harm as its guest."

Chicago Tribune Maureen Ryan

"... fascinating for the glimpses it offers into the hypervigilant Wal-Mart corporate culture, into the company's logistical acumen and into its canny pricing strategies. ..."

Columbus Dispatch Tim Feran

"... Correspondent Hedrick Smith doesn't just look at the rise of the company, but places it within the broader context of world trade agreements. ..."

Courier-Journal (Louisville, Ky.) Tom Dorsey

"... If you really want to understand what's happening in America and the world today and how it may determine whether you have a job tomorrow, watch 'Frontline.'

"... a first-class course in how the U.S. economy works and doesn't work in the best interests of this country. The hour is not so much about Wal-Mart, although it is a fascinating look at how one of the world's biggest companies operates. It's a snapshot of why so many jobs have gone somewhere else and why so many American businesses are unable to compete in the global scheme of things. It's also about the drastic things businesses are doing to survive. ...

"The documentary poses some of the crucial questions, but it would have been better if it also had suggested some of the possible answers or options. In any case, this is an important program that people everywhere ought to watch."

Rocky Mountain News Dusty Saunders

"... anything but an esoteric documentary about a high-powered company whose association with consumers is irrelevant or secondary. While the title suggests the answer should be provided by viewers, the documentary's content offers ample ammunition for those who content Wal-Mart's business policies do not benefit the nation's economy and the work force.

"Even with this biased angle, Frontline has produced a full-blown portrait of the growth of this business monolith, while exploring the relationships between U.S. job losses and the American consumer's insatiable desire for shopping bargains. ..."

Newsday Noel Holston

"... would be stronger if they had done the hard math, so to speak, of comparing one town's per-capita income and tax collections before and after Wal-Mart's arrival, and if they had put Wal-Mart's business practices in the context of those of other big box retailers, such as Target and Costco. But ... provides a good primer for a discussion of what our best interests really are."

New York Magazine

"... You may be struck by how closely global capitalism resembles a porno novel and a clandestine intelligence operation with deep covers, false-bottomed narratives, and unreliable narrators."