Is Wal-Mart Good For America? | FRONTLINE | PBS

They're rolling back prices, rolling back competition, and rolling jobs overseas...

Is Wal-Mart Good for America?
watch the full program online
the secrets of wal-mart's success
transforming america
the china connection
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live chat with correspondent hedrick smith - wednesday at 11am on

producer's notebookamerican radio works' companion reportsteacher's guide
tapes & transcriptspress reactioncreditsprivacy policy


Funding for FRONTLINE is provided through the support of PBS viewers. Additional funding for "Is Wal-Mart Good for America?" is provided by The Nathan Cummings Foundation.

introduction + watch online + secrets of wal-mart's success + transforming america + china connection + interviews
producer's notebook + american radio work's companion reports + join the discussion + correspondent's chat
teacher's guide + press reaction + tapes & transcripts + credits + privacy policy
FRONTLINE home + wgbh + pbsi

posted nov. 16, 2004

FRONTLINE is a registered trademark of wgbh educational foundation.
wal-mart photo copyright © entropy media
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