spying on saddam
navigation, see below for text
richard butlerRichard Butler

From July 1997 to June 1999, Butler was Executive Chairman of UNSCOM, the U.N.'s weapons inspections agency in Iraq. Prior to this appointment, he was Australian Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations.

barton gellmanBarton Gellman

A reporter for The Washington Post, Gellman covered UNSCOM from the beginning of its work in Iraq and wrote several in-depth articles on Scott Ritter and UNSCOM's involvement with western intelligence agencies.

richard haassRichard Haass

During the George H.W. Bush administration, Haass served on the National Security Council advising the President on Near East foreign policy. Currently (1999), he is the director of Foreign Policy Studies at the Brookings Institution.

dr. khidir hamzaDr. Khidir Hamza

Hamza was Iraq's Director of Nuclear Weaponization and is the highest- ranking scientist ever to defect from Iraq. He fled Baghdad in 1994 and as of 1999 is a senior fellow at the Institute for Science and International Security.

david kayDavid Kay

Kay worked for the International Atomic Energy Agency and was the chief nuclear weapons inspector for UNSCOM 1991-1992. As of 1999, he is Vice President of Science Applications International Corporations.

scott ritterScott Ritter

A former U.S. Marine intelligence officer, Ritter was lead inspector for UNSCOM's Concealment and Investigations unit. He resigned in late 1998 on the heels of escalating intransigence by Iraq in its dealings with U.N. weapons inspection teams. Ritter charges that UNSCOM's mission was undermined by infiltration from the CIA and lack of support from Washington and the U.N. Security Council.

robin wrightRobin Wright

A former Middle East correspondent for the Sunday Times of London, Wright covers global issues for the Los Angeles Times. She has written several books on the Middle East.

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