a cartoon image of a teen sleeping
do your teens seem like aliens?

Resources for parents and teenagers to help improve mutual understanding and communication.

comic copyright 2000 ZITS Partnership. Distributed by King Features Syndicate

Talking With Your Teen

Learn to communicate more effectively with your parent or teen. Download this worksheet to complete with your parent or teen, then discuss your answers together.

Is Your Teen Heading for Turmoil?

If you're a parent concerned about this, use this interactive questionnaire to help clarify your concerns. Complete it online, then generate a report with expert guidance and advice geared specifically to your concerns.

An Interview with Ellen Galinsky

Galinsky is the president and co-founder of the Families and Work Institute, a Manhattan-based nonprofit organization conducting research on the changing family, workplace, and community. She is also the author of Ask the Children, a book based on her extensive survey of more than 1,000 children that measured how they felt about their family relationships and their parents' work lives.

Teens and Their Parents in the 21st Century (PDF file)

This report was released by the President's Council of Economic Advisers to coincide with the May 2, 2000, White House Conference on Teenagers. It outlines positive trends for teenagers, including higher levels of student achievement, increasing college attendance rates, and declining rates of teen suicides, homicides, and pregnancies. The report notes the importance of parental involvement in helping teens avoid risks such as smoking, drinking, drugs, sexual activity, violence, and suicide attempts. It concludes that teens with parents who are involved and engaged in their lives are more likely to excel in school and avoid risky behaviors.

ParenTalk: Adolescence

This site from the National Parenting Center collects many short articles written by child-rearing experts. Categories include: "Keeping the Lines of Communication Open," "Socializing and Body Image," "Privacy, Stress, Rebellion and Setting Limits," "Dealing with Divorce," and "High School and Beyond."

Resources for Families

This comprehensive site from the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry offers tips for parents on numerous issues affecting children, teens, and their families, ranging from drugs and alcohol problems to depression and stress.

Talking With Kids About Tough Issues

The Kaiser Family Foundation and Children Now have launched a national campaign to encourage parents and give them tools to talk to their kids early and often about tough issues like sex, drugs, alcohol, AIDS, violence, and terrorism. Their site offers a checklist of "10 Tips for Talking With Your Kids About Tough Issues." In addition, each of the five Tough Issues offers a substantive list of advice for parents. (The Kaiser Family Foundation is a national independent health care philanthropy and Children Now is a non-partisan voice for America's children.)

Parenting Teens

Parenting Teens is an online publication for parents of teens featuring articles and columns written by parents and professionals, a bulletin board, a chat room, an email parenting support group, a bookstore, and more.

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