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Uranium is a naturally occurring, chemically toxic, and radioactive element
composed of three isotopes. Relative to other radionuclides, natural uranium is
only slightly radioactive because of its low specific activity.288 When the
uranium isotope used for nuclear reactors and weapons is extracted from natural
uranium, DU is the byproduct.
DU is nearly twice as dense as lead-a property used to improve the
performance of both armor and armor penetrating munitions. During the Gulf War,
some U.S. tanks and U.S. aircraft fired DU munitions, which produced shrapnel
and an aerosolized dust on impact with armor or on ignition in accidental
munitions fires. DU retains natural uranium's toxicological properties and
approximately half its radiological activity.267 Most of DU's radiation cannot
penetrate skin, and DU poses little threat to human health while it is external
to the body.288
Because it is slightly radioactive, natural uranium is considered to be a
potential carcinogen-albeit with a small cancer risk relative to other
radionuclides.288 Taken together, human and animal studies do not indicate
conclusively that natural uranium causes cancer in humans. Epidemiologic
studies of uranium miners experiencing extremely high, lifetime, occupational
exposures to uranium show an increase in mortality due to lung cancer, but such
cancers are thought to be caused by miners' concurrent exposures to radioactive
radon gas and its decay products, tobacco smoke, silica and other dusts, or
exhaust fumes from diesel engines.172,321 Animal
studies conclude that exposure to uranium for long periods of time does not
result in increased incidence of cancer, except in the case of one study. This
study found prolonged (more than five years) inhalation of high levels of
uranium dioxide led to lung neoplasms in dogs.130,131
The chemical toxicity of uranium as a heavy metal is well characterized. In
fact, the kidney is the most sensitive organ affected by exposure to uranium
and is the critical target organ for risk assessment.133,218,322,341 For this
reason, uranium exposure is regulated based on its chemicaltoxicity and not its
radiological properties.129,156 Even so, more than 50 years of
occupational health data from uranium miners reveal little epidemiologic
evidence of excess kidney disease among workers exposed for years or
The health risks of internalized uranium or DU particles depend on dose,
exposure pathway, and solubility of the ingested particle. Ingestion of
insoluble uranium compounds poses little health hazard because they pass
rapidly through the body and are eliminated in the feces. However, animal
studies have shown that ingestion of large doses of relatively soluble uranium
compounds are associated with kidney toxicity.129,288 Inhaled uranium particles
that are nonrespirable are cleared from the respiratory tract and either
expelled from the body (cough) or swallowed and passed to
the GI tract. Respirable and relatively soluble particles are cleared to
blood and can affect kidney toxicity.14,129 Less soluble particles can
remain in the lung longer and in theory could pose a radiological hazard.
The U.S. Army has conducted tests to characterize aerosols associated with DU
munitions impacts with armor and with accidental DU munitions fires; it
concluded a service member's risk exceeds civilian safety standards only when
he or she is inside a vehicle when it is penetrated by DU munitions.39,96,97
The adequacy of the research supporting this conclusion has been questioned by
some reviewers.229,267
No studies of long-term human health effects of uranium metal implanted in
tissue exist. Nevertheless, toxic effects are likely to be similar to the
kidney toxicity observed from inhaled or ingested uranium. To date, VA has
reported no kidney toxicity among soldiers wounded by DU fragments in friendly
fire episodes.112 VA currently monitors the health of approximately 30 veterans
suspected of retaining embedded DU fragments, and the U.S. Army Medical
Research and Materiel Command is funding animals studies to
investigate the health hazards associated with short- and long-term exposure to
DU metal fragments.296
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