last battle of the gulf war: see below for text links

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audiocast of this program . join the discussion . analyzing the major theories . five interviews . the veterans . a closer look . examining the media's role . a guide to understanding the subject . comparing gulf veterans' health with other veterans . tapes & transcripts . press reaction

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Last Battle of the Gulf War

In the years following the return home of the last U.S. troops who participated in ground war in the Persian Gulf, attention has turned from the historic victory to a strange new sickness the press has dubbed Gulf War Syndrome. But while many veterans believe something in the Gulf made them ill, scientists argue Gulf War veterans are not dying or being hospitalized at a higher-than-average rate. FRONTLINE tells the story of how Gulf War Syndrome came into existence, examining the psychology of war, the politics of veterans affairs, and the roles of the media and the biomedical research community.

published jan. 1998