Contact Information

Many viewers of "Snitch" have requested information on where to write Clarence Aaron and Joey Settembrino as well as others that were involved in their cases:

Clarence Aaron

Clarence Aaron
Atlanta US Penitentiary #05070-003
601 McDonough Blvd. SE
Atlanta, GA 30315

The judge in Aaron's case was:
Charles R. Butler, Jr
U.S. District Court
113 St. Joseph Street
Mobile, Alabama 36602

The U.S. Attorney:
U.S. Attorney
169 Dauphin Street
Mobile, Alabama 36602

The defense lawyers:
Dennis Knizley
2400 Amsouth Bank Building
Mobile, Alabama 36602

Robert Clark
P.O. Box 2705
Mobile, Alabama, 36652

In addition, the House and Senate Judiciary Committees of the U.S. Congress are the congressional committees involved in sentencing and drug legislation.

Joey Settembrino

Joseph Settembrino
#29463-004 Dorm 4
P.O. Box 600
Egland Air Force Base, FL 32542-7606

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