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Press Reaction

Entertainment Weekly Nicholas Fonseca

"Frontline offers the haunting tale of Smith, who was wrongly sent to Death Row in 1986 for the rape and murder of an 8-year-old Fort Lauderdale girl thanks to the flimsy testimony and arrogant state prosecutors. His death from cancer just 10 months prior to exoneration was an ironic twist of fate that still haunts the prosecution's star witness.

As a journalistic endeavor attempting to use its investigative know-how for social good, Frontline once again proves it has no small-screen equal."

Palm Beach Post Kevin D. Thompson

"... a one-hour documentary that rivals the most spellbinding 'Law & Order' episode. ..."

The Miami Herald Daniel De Vise

"... Producer Ofra Bikel brings all the principal characters to the camera to tell the story of Frank Lee Smith, who died in misery months before his DNA exoneration in 2000 for the 1985 rape-murder of 8-year old Shandra Whitehead.

That is Bikel's chief accomplishment in 'Requiem.' The most troubling facts in the Smith case have been reported before. But most of the reports have settled for second-hand accounts from some of the most crucial voices. ..."

The Kansas City Star Aaron Barnhart

"In the years since DNA testing became an integral part of criminal justice, we've learned many sad tales of people put in prison for crimes they did not commit. But I doubt you will ever hear of a case as heartbreaking as the one told in this week's edition of Frontline. ...

Frontline producer Ofra Bikel has done remarkable work here. It came too late for us to realize that all too often our system is better equipped to deny justice than to grant it."

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