Links & Further Readings

Who's Tobacco Friendly?

ABC News' easy-to-use site lets you compare your congressman's voting record with what he/she has received in tobacco interests' contributions. Just click on your state, then your congressman, to find out money received. Then check their 'pro tobacco voting' records on five key votes during the '97 session of Congress in the Senate; four key votes in the House. Did money from tobacco interests influence how they voted? Check it out.

Smoke in the Eye

FRONTLINE's web report covers the ABC network's run-in with tobacco companies in 1994. Philip Morris sued ABC for libel for reporting that the company manipulated nicotine in its cigarettes. The site includes in-depth interviews with journalists, First Amendment lawyers, media analysts and others talking newsroom policies, practices and ethics. This web site also offers a 'webumentary' analysis of the thousands of pages of internal Brown & Williamson Corporation documents which were posted on the internet in 1995 and reveal three decades of tobacco industry secrets.

Tobacco Bulletin Board Service

A good, comprehensive site which collects tobacco related documents, late breaking news coverage, and good information on the politics of the tobacco wars.

Minnesota Settlement

This web site of the St. Paul Pioneer Press offers full background reports and continuous updates on the estimated $6.5 billion settlement reached May 8, 1998 between the state of Minnesota, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota and tobacco firms.

Calvert Group

This site's "Know What You Own" section offers one the ability to search any mutual fund for tobacco holdings. It also has gathered interesting information regarding tobacco stocks and investors' questions and concerns.

Smokescreen Action Network

A site designed for activists working for tobacco control which presents daily news summaries, searchable databases, state-by state-listing of anti-tobacco organizations and many other related links.


The University of California at San Francisco Tobacco Archive

has collected thousand of pages of the Brown & WIlliamson Tobacco Corporation documents which came to light in 1994. They reveal the secret research activities of the tobaccco industry over three decades. The site offers options to search and browse the collection.

National Center for Tobacco Free Kids

Non-profit organization working to reduce teenage smoking

BADvertising Institute

Click on the 'Posters' section to see some spoofs on tobacco advertising.

Southern Tobacco Communities Project

This project is trying to foster constructive dialogue on the economic impact of tobacco regulation on tobacco farmers.

Georgia FORCES

Georgia FORCES ("Fight Ordinances & Restrictions to Control & Eliminate Smoking") is a grassroots movement set up to 'protect our right of choice to smoke."

The Tobacco Resolution

A good resource for a wide range of material and information on the historic June 20, 1997 agreement between the tobacco companies and states' attorneys general. Offers updates, archives, congressional action section, etc.

Further Readings: Books

Cornered, Big Tobacco at the Bar of Justice
by Peter Pringle
Henry Holt and Company, New York, NY, 1998.

The People Vs. Big Tobacco, How the States took on the Cigarette Giants
By Carrick Mollenkamp, Adam Levy, Joseph Menn, Jeffrey Rothfeder of Bloomberg News,
Bloomberg Press, Princeton, NJ, 1998.

Ashes to Ashes, America's Hundred-Year Cigarette War, the Public Health and the Unabashed Triumph of Philip Morris
By Richard Kluger
Vintage Books, New York, NY, 1996.

The Cigarette Papers
By Stanton A. Glantz, John Slade, Lisa Bero, Peter Hanauer, and Deborah Barnes
University of California Press, Berkeley, CA, 1996.

Behind the Oval Office
By Dick Morris
Random House, New York, NY, 1997.

Further Readings: Articles

" A Peace Plan for the Cigarette Wars,"
by Richard Kluger
The New York Times Magazine, April 7, 1996

" Fanning the Flames,"
by Michael Orey
The American Lawyer, April 1996

" How Seven Individuals With Diverse Motives Halted Tobacco's Wars,"
by Alix M. Freedman and Suein L. Hwang
Wall Street Journal, July 11, 1997

"Counsel for the Plaintiff; He Took Asbestos Companies for Millions. He Scared Tobacco Companies into Offering Up Billions. Who is Dickie Scruggs, and Why is Everyone so Afraid of Him?"
By Tim Carvell,
Fortune Magazine, September 29, 1997

"U.S. Brings Its First Charges in the Tobacco Investigation,"
By Barry Meier
New York Times, January 8, 1998

"Is Chapter 11 Just An Idle Threat By Big Tobacco?,"
By Ann Davis,
Wall Street Journal, April 17, 1998


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