Washington's Other Scandal | frontline online
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I'm completely disgusted by the Frontline program on Campaign Financing. I can not believe the nerve that these politicians have. I can not believe that that fool, Harold Ickes, said in his interview that he's a "practical politician," implying that no matter how many people are trampled over, "Bill Clinton needed to be re-elected." (towards the end of the interview)

I would have liked to have seen Frontline discuss opposition to finance reform from the ACLU, which contends that it is an infringement on free speech.

Igor Fridman
salem, massachusetts


Frontline has a spirit of truth-seeking that I appreciate greatly. But there was a statement made by Bill Moyers in this latest episode that I found profoundly corrupt. Specifically his advocacy of the latest campaign finance proposals -- the idea that issue advocacy should be made illegal.

Putting speech, the expression of ideas, under the control of our courts -- the legislation of who can speak and who cannot -- is the negation of any basis for a free society. And surely Bill Moyers and the producers of Frontline are intelligent enough to understand that. That this idea is nevertheless being advocated by this program and a larger political movement can only be because fundementally this movement imagines that it will control the process. That it will be able to determine who can speak.

Thus the very idea is corrupt from its inception, and I condemm you with all my heart.

Mark Amerman
silver spring, md


How disgusted I am with the political machinery in this country. Moncia-gate is simply a distraction to keep America away from the TRUE impeachable offenses. The whole damn lot should be thrown out. Thank you, PBS, for dealing with facts and figures and exposing the real crimes in Washington.

evansville, in


Following your show, it is evident that "the political system" is corrupt. What really hurts, though, is how Clinton is viewed as the friend of the Black cause and yet he has managed to bankrupt the Indian tribe featured tonight. I guess they just aren't trendy enough for Clinton.

Sandy Austin
west bloomfield, michigan


This is at outrage. This program should be made available to Dateline, 20/20 and all the news program should broadcast it at the same time!

pompano beach, fl.

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