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Elizabeth Stein

Stein served as Counsel to the Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs in its investigation of the 1996 election. As part of the Committee's Minority staff, she was one of a handful of attorneys responsible for the investigation into the activities of Triad and its affiliated nonprofit organizations. Over the course of its investigation, the Committee subpoenaed and reviewed more than 1,500,000 pages of documents, took 200 depositions and conducted more than 200 witness interviews. The Committee held 32 days of hearings, taking public testimony from 72 witnesses.

Harold Ickes

Long-time labor lawyer and Democratic activist, Ickes served as campaign manager of Bill Clinton's 1992 New York presidential campaign. In 1994, at the President's urging, he joined the Clinton White House as Deputy Chief of Staff. In that position, Ickes served as the primary White House liaison with the Democratic National Committee during the 1996 campaign. Ickes left his White House post on January 20, 1997 to return to private life.

Senator Jospeh Lieberman

Senator Lieberman has been the junior Democratic Senator from Connecticut since 1989. Lieberman serves on the Senate's Committee on Governmental Affairs and was part of its investigation into the campaign finance abuses of 1996.

Dick Morris

Political strategist Dick Morris has been part of Bill Clinton's circle of political advisors since Clinton's first gubernatorial race in Arkansas in 1978. Morris is credited by many with engineering Clinton's re-election to the Arkansas governorship after a humiliating defeat at the end of his first term. Thus it's not surprising President Clinton turned to Morris after the mid-term elections of 1994 when Republicans seized control of the U.S. House and Senate and Clinton's own chances for a second presidential term seemed negligible. From the early months of 1995 until August of 1996, Morris was a principal architect of the Clinton-Gore re-election strategy.

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