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White House Timeline

This chronology of DNC/White House fundraising planning and activity was assembled during the production research of FRONTLINE's "Washington's Other Scandal." Dates, events and specific quotes were drawn from the White House tapes, from the Morris memos, from the Senate report, from depositions and testimony given to Senate investigators, from news reports, and from a wide array of documents subpoenaed by the Senate Committee - including Harold Ickes' thousands of pages of files.

White House Coffees & Sleepovers

Want to find out if someone in your state attended a White House coffee or spent a night in the Lincoln Bedroom? The Center for Responsive Politics makes this easy. Just click here and search by date, by name, or by state. And, for more details on those White House sleepovers, click here for the Center for Public Integrity's "Fat Cat Hotel" report . The Center for Public Integrity broke the Lincoln Bedroom story. Their report details how the overnights worked - beds turned down, mints on pillows, your choice of breakfast location - and background information on some of the leading guests.

Dick Morris Memos

From the time he formally joined President Clinton's team of campaign advisors in early 1995, Dick Morris prepared detailed memos for his weekly strategy sessions with the President and others. This selection traces Morris's arguments in the internal debate about whether to accept public funding (with its implicit limitations on spending). They also reveal the growing pressure to raise more and more money for tv ads and outline how tens of millions of dollars in private money raised by the White House are being funneled/laundered through the DNC to create ads which benefit the Clinton/Gore campaign.

Click to read each memo excerpt--

  • March 2, 1995 Memo Advises President to reject federal matching funds so as to increase amount of money Clinton/Gore campaign could legally spend. Morris says this is needed for ad campaign. Morris says he's "testing justification for no fed $ in poll."

  • May 16, 1995 Memo Money drumbeat continues. Need for tv ads: "Need to get basic messages out to the public in the spring before political season is too far along"

  • Sept.7, 1995 Memo Morris's key questions here pertain to the funnelling through DNC of the 'soft money' raised by White House fundraising of private donors. The soft money is used on 'issue ads' benefiting Clinton/Gore campaign. Morris: "Can we raise an additional $33 mil for DNC? Can we stop DNC from spending $ on things other than our ads?"

  • Sept. 13, 1995 Memo More on funnelling money through DNC for ad campaign--"$10 mil - pay for it entirely with DNC $"

  • March 6, 1996 Memo Outline of the intense money scramble facing the campaign at this point.

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