saudi time bomb? investigating the hidden undercurrents of islamic extremism, it's far-flung reach, and its threat to the kingdom of saudi arabia�
u.s. and saudi officials and middle east political and religious experts
u.s.-saudi relations, wahhabism, madrassas, and saudi religious textbooks
the journey of haroun fazul
related report: FRONTLINE's Looking for Answers a young man's path from saudi-funded religious training to islamic terrorism
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Saudi Time Bomb?

President Bush says that if the nations of the world are not with us in the war on terrorism then theyíre with the terrorists. But what about the United States' supposed ally Saudi Arabia? After September 11th many Saudi citizens reportedly applauded native son Osama bin Laden as a hero. Then the monarchy hesitated to renounce the Taliban and they are still reluctant to allow U.S. warplanes to fly from their bases. Why have Saudi and other Gulf charities sent money to support Islamic fundamentalist schools that are encouraging jihad? And are the Saudis dragging their feet when it comes to assisting U.S. law enforcement agencies that are tracking down terrorists? Whose side are the Saudis on? FRONTLINE and The New York Times explore the fragile alliance with this ultra conservative fundamentalist kingdom upon which the U.S. depends for fifteen percent of the countryís oil needs.

published nov. 2001