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rebuilding at ground zero
Here is an interactive look at the various buildings that are being planned for the former World Trade Center site as of September 2004. Click on the building to read more.

Map image reproduced with permission of Silverstein Properties and the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey



· World Trade Center Memorial Competition
This site, sponsored by the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation, is a virtual exhibition that contains all 5,201 submissions for the memorial design. It is searchable by the designer's name, as well as country, state and entry number.

· The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey
The Port Authority's Web site has more information about Santiago Calatrava's transportation hub, including a Power Point presentation that shows the inside and outside of the building from many angles.

· Silverstein Properties
The Web site of Silverstein Properties, the leaseholder of the World Trade Center site, has more information about the office buildings to be reconstructed on the site.



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posted sept. 7, 2004

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