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join the discussion: What are your thoughts on the vast economic and social changes sweeping China, as it transforms itself from a  rigid communist society to an exploding market economy?


I find the democratic changes in China very exciting. It's unfortunate that many Chinese citizens find themselves without adequate pensions, health care, or even a job at all. Many of the people who inhabited USA during its period of early growth had similar problems. This doesn't make the plight of people shown on Frontline less real, but studying our own history helps put China today in a historic perspective.

Mary Richie
forest park, illinois


I just watched the PBS program China in Red. All I wanted to say is it's the best program so far on the extraordinary and historical changes happening in China. Not biased, stereotyped like so many other reports/news you can find in US mass media. I'm very grateful to the whole team as a Chinese who is proud of China's past, presence and her future.

Lei Yang
cincinnati, oh


I just wanted to compliment the makers of this project on capturing the real flavor of China. I spent two years studying in Central China roughly around the same time you were filming, and everything you portrayed was in line with my experiences and observations. With so many stereotypical images of China and the East, it is refreshing to see someone "get it right" for once, and I hope that your film will help to educate Americans on this largely misunderstood nation.

I would also like to compliment you on effectively illustrating the complex economic and life issues facing the Chinese people in this age of unprecedented change and transition. Many of my conversations with Chinese friends revolved around the very issues you have spotlighted - they are not easy issues to fully explain and explore, and you have done an incredible job. Congratulations!

waco, tx


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