The Interviews


Washington Post reporter and columnist David Broder is known as the dean of the Washington press corps. The Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist has been at the Post since 1966. He has written or co-written several books. His most recent with Haynes Johnson, "The System: The American Way of Politics at the Breaking Point," chronicled the health-care debate of 1993 and 1994. Broder appears on NBC's "Meet the Press," PBS's "Washington Week in Review" and CNN's "Inside Politics."


James Fallow became editor of U.S. News and World Report in September 1996. His recent book, "Breaking the News: How the Media Undermine American Democracy," harshly criticized the elite Washington press corps. Fallows was President Carter's chief speechwriter for three years. In 1979, he was named Washington editor of the Atlantic Monthly and continued to write for the Monthly until his move to U.S. News. Fallows is also known for his reporting on Japan (he lived there from 1986-88) and his commentaries on National Public Radio.


Columnist Ellen Goodman has been with the Boston Globe since 1967. Her Pulitzer Prize-winning Globe column, "At Large," is nationally syndicated in more than 440 newspapers. Her columns have been published in several books, including "Value Judgments," published in 1993. In addition to her column, Goodman is an associate editor at the Boston Globe.


Author and media critic, Mark Hertsgaard is a regular contributor to the Nation magazine. He is also the author of the book "On Bended Knee: The Press and the Reagan Presidency," a classic of media criticism published in 1988 that examined the national press corps' relationship with Ronald Reagan.


Howard Kurtz is the media critic for the Washington Post. His recent book, "Hot Air: All Talk, All the Time," chronicled the explosion of talk-shows on television and radio. His writing has appeared in The New Republic, Washington Monthly and New York magazine.


Geneva Overholser was the former editor of The Des Moines Register. Under her direction, the Register won the Pulitzer for public service for a series on the rape of an Iowa woman. She is currently ombudsman for the Washington Post where she received an unusually large number of letters from readers who protested the Post's handling of Bob Woodward's book, "The Choice." She wrote a June 1996 article sharply criticizing the paper's editorial decision.


Paul Taylor is executive director of the Free TV for Straight Talk Coalition and a former Washington Post political reporter. The Coalition was formed this year to convince the networks to give free air time to presidential contenders.


In 1973, the reporting of Washington Post reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein uncovered the Watergate scandal and won them and the Post a Pulitzer Prize. Woodward has remained at the Post where he is assistant managing editor. He has written or co-written nine books, seven of which have made the national bestseller list. His books include "All the President's Men," "Final Days," and "The Brethren" and, most recently, "The Choice" which profiled Bill Clinton and Bob Dole.

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