warning!:  Sections of this site contain explicit descriptions of  sexual acts
FRONTLINEsupport from earthlinksupport from npr
american porn: It's a multibillion dollar business - and growing.  In a wired world, can anything stop it?
watch the program
porn in the u.s.a
if you were the juror...
why do people use porn?

prosecuting pornography
as the industry braces for new prosecutions, here's a look at an obscenity prosecution in l.a., current and past supreme court cases, the notorious "cambria list," and prosecutors' strategies
inside the porn business
who's profiting from porn? and who are its consumers? a look at the business, as seen by wall street, market researchers, porn producers, and industry executives
special reports
the politics of porn ... the cultural meaning of porn ... why we're drawn to porn ... and why porn on the internet may not be as unstoppable as you think
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American Porn

It's one of the hottest industries in America -- and with adult movies, magazines, retail stores, and the growth of the Internet -- business is booming. The Bush administration has pledged a new attack on the porn industry and for the first time in years, there's a renewed interest in mounting prosecutions. On Thursday, February 7, as the first jury trial for obscenity since 1993 is scheduled to begin in Los Angeles, FRONTLINE investigates "American Porn" and the pending political battle that will soon engulf the multibillion dollar business and its distribution partners -- some of America's best known corporations.

published feb. 2002